Tubby from Austrlia has created some great designs in DbC. Chris Pennifold has put postings up about him and photos in the past
Yes, I would like to know about them too. It is interesting that a lot of the best fashion gugus are men, so where are all of your now, guys??? Let us support you too.
Amarillo Actor aka Eric-he has a Yahooo group and offers a free alphabet
Tubby from Australia-he has designs in dbc (designs by Cuties)
I can't think of any others. There was one a while back but maybe his wife didn't like him talking to all the cuties.
The only one I know is Eric (amarilloactor) from Texas. sarah.
There is at least 1, His name is claude from France! He has had some health problems in the last year. I hope he is well, I saw his avatar the other day!
Yes, I am a lady, the forename "Claude" in France is given to boys aand girls