by joaniessw 14 May 2008

I am on just for a little today. Still not doing well. Lots of things going on. Cleaning house, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally.....><>


by lbrow 14 May 2008

God loves u Joanie & so do we. chin up, go 4 a ride & count your blessings *4U

by nglover1 14 May 2008

Joanie hope things are better for you soon. Just remember your (Cute ) family is here for support. A Big bouquet to cheer you.

by clawton 14 May 2008

Keeping busy sometimes helps. But for the soul we need to figure how to manage and balance the mind and spirit.

1 comment
clawton by clawton 14 May 2008

Joanie read jrobs thought message. It may help with the spiritual aspect.

by shirlener88 14 May 2008

Joanie, you will be prayers, this too shall pass. Do what you have to do and you will get through this. *4U Shirlene

by bikermomfl 14 May 2008

hey girlfriend, hope whatever is getting you down doesn't last very long. Been there - done that and it's not a fun trip to make. Unfortunately you have to make the trip your way but you will come thru. I know this sounds silly, but when life gets to me sometimes I just go polish my bike, takes my mind off my problems and allows me a chance to catch my breath. Hope all gets better soon, I'm here if you need me.

by pafhen 14 May 2008

You hang in ther girl, prayers are with you

by shirleysisson 14 May 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Joanie. *4U

by letvia 14 May 2008

I send you lots of prayers, flowers and hugs. Flower and XoXo

by anna25775 14 May 2008

you're in my thoughts and prayers too joanie, bunch of flowers for you

by jrob Moderator 14 May 2008

Joanie, sometimes it is best just to be still and listen.;)

by simplyrosie 14 May 2008

Joanie, you've got the prayers girlfriend. I miss you... :-) xoxo

by joaniessw 14 May 2008

Thank you for all your prayers. Bless you all. *4U ><>