by susiesembroidery 10 Apr 2012

Hallo, my sweet Cutie firends and cutie family. Thank you very much for all your prayers and support with my DH's illness after his back op. He is still in Hospital, but doing much better and is out of ICU, still in highcare. He is now more conscious and talks a little. He was allergic to the aneasthetic and morphine and had adverse effects on his diabetis. Love all of you for thinking of me in my difficult times. ****** flowers, hugs and kisses to all of you. This is what true friendship is all about.


by nannynorfolk 10 Apr 2012

Good news :)

by cfidl 10 Apr 2012

Thank you for the update. So glad the situation is better. Live Laugh Download Stitch!

by devon 10 Apr 2012

Glad to hear that he is some better. Will keep praying for you and him. DeVon

by michemb 10 Apr 2012

GLAD to hear things are starting to improve, hang in there, sending positive energy your way