by sewfrenzie 12 Apr 2012

I had a busy day at my daughters and with my grandchildren. My grandsons birthday was March 19th and his sisters was April 3rd. Grandma(me) brought them bikes for their birthdays gifts. Guess who was so excited they could hardly speak, lol!?!? I think I made more than just their day, lol!

AND to top it off I got to see my other grandchild so upset she couldn't speak, WHY?!?! You ask...... her mommy is pregnant and she keeps saying she wants a little sister....... well today they found out she's getting a little brother.
Mom said she was able to keep it together until they got to the car and then the waterworks started to fall, 15 mintues later they show up at the daughters I'm at. My little 5 year old granddaughter is so upset she still can't talk all she can do is sob uncontrolablly. When I asked her why she was so upset, she couldn't say anything. I asked are you having a baby sister, the head shakes back and forth angerily. Than out comes b-b--b-b-b--b b--bo-b-bo-bbb--boy. It was so cute and so sad at the same time. Poor girl, she was so looking forward to a sister. SO Sometime in Mid to late August I'm expecting a new grandson. Everyone's excited and happy except my granddaughter who wanted a sister. Hopefully she will get used to the idea of a brother. Poor dear.


by blueeyedblonde 13 Apr 2012

I feel so bad for her - such a disappointment. My oldest grandsons kept asking their mom for a baby sister (one yr. even had that on their xmas wish list!). They did finally get their wish - don't know what their reaction at the time would have been if it had been a boy!
I think you're on the right track with planning to have her work on a project for the baby.

by lbrow 13 Apr 2012

They must tell her 'till he gets here how wonderful it will be to have a baby brother so she will get use to the idea. As for you and the bikes I know you made their day and how nice it was to be with your grandchildren.Of course you do know from now on you will be expected to give bikes to all your grandkids. LOL I know because I have 6 grand kids and even though they are all adults now they still compare gifts from grandma. Cannot show favoritism./Lillian

by sewfrenzie 13 Apr 2012

My daughter had an ultrasound and you could see his little winky in the ultra sound, lol! Pretty sure we've got a boy on his way to us. I was planning on having her over to work on a project for the little brother so she could take some pride in something she can give him.

by shirley124 13 Apr 2012

They have known to get it wrong. It would make Grand Daughter happy if they did. Oh well she has got time to come to terms with getting a little brother. They are not all that bad. Bless her little heart, God love her.

by gerryvb 13 Apr 2012

oh gosh, well she will get used to the idea having a little brother. and she will be his big sister.for me, i have 1 sistyer and 2 brothers. but i have always had a better connection with my brothers. so perhaps in future she will see how great a brother can be.
and congratulations with the grandkids birthdays!

by christracey 13 Apr 2012

Poor little grand daughter....lets just hope the news of a little brother is correct. I've heard that they can get it wrong. Well your GD won't mind if they get it

by capoodle 12 Apr 2012

She has a few months to get used to the idea of a baby brother. Some things we just can't change.

by cfidl 12 Apr 2012

How precious! Maybe next time! and she can really teach her things. Congrats and Blessings to all! Live Laugh Download Stitch!

by mranderson 12 Apr 2012

You certainly did have a busy day. I am sure by the time the baby arrives your GD will have gotten over her disappointment. There is plenty of time to convince her a brother will be a lot of fun.

by noah 12 Apr 2012

Ahhhhh poor child hug her Grammie :):)

by michemb 12 Apr 2012

Oh poor little thing, her heart is broken now but as time goes by she will come around. Maybe she could work on a special project for the new brother with her grandma
and that will ease her pain.
Good luck