by lenamae 13 Apr 2012

Oh Cuties I am so excited My friend called me and sask if I wanted her old sewing machine I said yes thought it may have parts I could use to day she brought it over to me .It is the one she was using said she was not going to sew any more she has not had it long and has only used it a few times My son cleaned it and oiled it I set the tenion on it and sews like a new one.Yhank God I am Blessed



by justonlyme 14 Apr 2012

I know how special that is!! I went to a yard sale and was looking at a newly refurbished machine. The gal wanted $5 for it. But she was so frustrated with it that she just picked it up and put it in my car and told me to take it. Turns out, she was using the wrong kind of bobbin. It wouldn't sew for her. That is probably the most reliable machine I own!! So I know exactly how you must feel!! Congratulations. :)

lenamae by lenamae 14 Apr 2012

It is exciting isn't it?

lenamae by lenamae 14 Apr 2012

I bouget a 1941 singer fether wait at a yard sale for 20.00 and it sews really well I am so proud of it it was a great find.

by shirlener88 14 Apr 2012

Lenamae, I am so happy for you - what a great gift.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 14 Apr 2012

Thanks shirlene it is.I was so excited thank you

by noah 13 Apr 2012

Yes i know you know it is God Who Blesses us .I am very Happy for you what kind is it??Does it Embroider??hugs Carolyn

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 14 Apr 2012

It is just a brothers sewing machine it does not embroidery I now can set up with different colorsof therad
Hugs Lenamae

by michemb 13 Apr 2012

what a wonderful gift she has offered you

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 14 Apr 2012

Yes it is and sews like a new one just as smooth

by shirley124 13 Apr 2012

What great luck. Sew and enjoy. Shirley

by lenamae 13 Apr 2012

I can spell really