So you don't have enough yet? Plenty more ideas in my head and suggestions given. Xmas ideas?!
Lique they are wonderful and you have done an outstanding job! Is there a way you can make a generic one that any 4x4 design can fit, and then be finished on the regular sewing machine, so you don't have to digitize every animal, shape and symbol known to womankind? They are perfect for so many uses, and I think they would sell well at craft sales! Thanks for all your time and talents making and getting us hooked on them! Hugs, Jan
I agree, I love these. I can think of a few more, & would be willing to test stitch them, but don't have a way to post pictures, so I'm out.
Send her the suggestions & tell her Gerry will test them for her. Don't want you left out!!
She sure has made all the animals I can think of. I will try some for the children where I work (handicaped) they will love these,
Thanks Lique