by lawmedassistant 16 Apr 2012

Giving up and putting machine in the closet. :( Can't afford to ship it off to Singer and tomorrow will try to find someone local that might be able to look at it and fix it. But anyway here are some pictures. One on the left shows the ditch that the needle is suppose to travel through (that's what I think anyway). Picture number 2 shows where the needle is hitting the plate, even with the bobbin case in there it still hits the plate. :( At a loss, no embroidery for I don't know how long. Thank you all for your help, just couldn't get anything to work. Hugs! ~Sherry~


by cjmelm 18 Apr 2012

I'm so sorry to here about how bad singer is at one time it was one of the best..I'm just so happy that the shop we got my pfaff is one of the best in Tucson. I know that they work on all type.

by lawmedassistant 18 Apr 2012

UPDATE: Info from the singer futura yahoo group. There is a gentlemen there that has done a manual on timing, others have gotten it and was able to fix their machines themselves. Told hubby about it and he ordered it for me and told me that it was at least something he could do since he couldn't buy me a new machine right now. Such a sweetheart! Anyway, it is an immediate download but since he had to do it with his credit card they have to call him for the information, they don't take the info online. So waiting for them to call so that he can give them the info - not sure how long that will take but figure that will be my weekend job in between taking care of the horses. He did say it was the timing - timing being off will make the needle go down like that ..... I can do this! I have contacted the people that have ordered items and they are all fine with waiting, they just feel bad for me because they know the problems I have had. Anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you for your support and love. To the ones that offered to try and finish up my projects, words cannot describe how that made me feel! I am just bubbling over with love and respect for each and everyone of you. I will keep you posted as to how things go. Many many hugs to you all! ~Sherry~

cfidl by cfidl 18 Apr 2012


momhome by momhome 18 Apr 2012

Thanks for the update. Keep us posted.

moonwillow by moonwillow 19 Apr 2012

in my prayers...this will work out..if not ..stading by ready to get some work done for you..

bumblebee by bumblebee 19 Apr 2012

Hope it all goes seamlessly for you-I know Jim is a good resource so glad you
went there. Me, I would be so nervous to try but necessity is the mother of invention and making us improve our skills. I'll pay attention should it happen to me.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 19 Apr 2012

I have the manual now and downloaded. I plan on reading it tomorrow while babysitting my grandsons and then Saturday - well time to get busy and fix it! :) I'll let you all know how it goes, hopefully it will be to let you all know some great news. :) Fingers and toes crossed.

by Annelise73 18 Apr 2012

Joann's Fabrics that has a sewing center in it (they are run separately from the main store) will help you. I took mine there. Don't listen to Singer. They just want you to send the machine to them. The Viking Sewing centers sell Singer and will service them.

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 Apr 2012

There is one machine at Joann's that I would love to have - $3100.00 - that is on my wish list, maybe someday. As for Singer - ugh! After calling them and getting that amount from them to fix I sent them an email and posted on Facebook, 2 days ago and there has still been NO response, NO I'm sorry, NO asking if they can do anything and NO acknowledging that I even said anything. Goodbye Singer - I WON'T EVER buy another singer product from you.

by joyce05 17 Apr 2012

Have you tried replacing the needle. It may be slightly bent. It doesn't take much to bend the needles. They aren't made like they used to be.

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 Apr 2012

Don't think it is bent but it was the last needle I had - went through a needle breakage just before all of this. So will be picking up some more needles tonight just so I have them on hand after I fix it. Thank you. :)

by shirley124 17 Apr 2012

All the best for tonight. I hope you solve the problem. Be sure to let us know. A day away with the grandkids may be just what you need. Shirley

by wp1012 17 Apr 2012

The place I bought my machine from is local. I live in Georgia. They are the nicest people who own it. They sell Babylocks. But he is authorzed to repair them. But he does all other machines also. He did have Singer, HuskyLock, and even my regular sewing machine Kenmore, ect.... People from all over comes to their shop. Maybe you have someone local like this. I hope you get your problem fixed. If you need more ifo PM me. Peg

by momhome 17 Apr 2012

When do you need your projects done by? Is there anything special you need on the coffee-cup coasters or is it to have a coffee-cup? How many do you need? Do you need them in sets of x number? I might be able to help with these, but all the rest is beyond me.

by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

Thought I would repost this..Maybe some of us in the USA could get some of the work done for you..Let me know should't be too hard to do

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

oh thank you very much for the offer, I deeply appreciate it - I just love my cuties!!!!! Yahoo group just replied, verified that it was the timing and I can get a manual that will take me step by step and with pictures - going to get it and hopefully can have it fixed tonight. Won't be home until 7pm or so and not sure how long it will take to fix.... I'll keep you all posted.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

have it fixed tonight. Won't be home until 7pm or so and not sure how long it will take to fix.... I'll keep you all posted.

by bevintex 17 Apr 2012

Take the embroidery unit completely off and reattach it, i have to do this sometimes to reset mine. Can't hurt to try

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

thank you. I tried that last night too, about 3 or 4 times. I had a hard time giving up but since I am not home today I can't drive myself crazy with it. lol

by blueeyedblonde 17 Apr 2012

Hope you get it going soon! Good luck!

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by gerryb 17 Apr 2012

I've been following the machine woes & it is so sad. We pay a fortune for these machines & after we buy them, often we are on our own or pay another fortune to have them fixed! This has been very bad PR for Singer, and rightly so! Seems the Singer name no longer stands for what it used to. Hope you get some help!

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thanks. Singer has proven to me that they just don't care. I run a non profit and hubby bought me this machine because I wanted to make things and sell them for fundraisers. In the process I have 3 outstanding orders (coffee cup kozies, baby quilt and some school passes) and I can't finish any of them because I still have embroidery to do on them. If I only had sewing left I could pull my Brother out and finish them off. I even went so far and sent Singer head honchos a letter asking for a donation of a new machine. They all but laughed at me. :(

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

some school passes), not able to finish any of them. I went so far as to asking Singer for a donation of a new machine (we are a non profit) and they all but laughed at me.

moonwillow by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

hey maybe some of us in the USA could get those projects done for you..I can do small stuff on my little brother..I am waiting for my BIG Brother lol..done with singer myself..

joann13100 by joann13100 18 Apr 2012

It's too bad Singer doesn't support their products anymore. I suppose that's what happens when you outsource the manufacturing to China, and have zero quality control. That's why I bought a used Bernina, also made in China, but at least they support their products.

by carolgm23 17 Apr 2012

ok I forgot to add the link. Carol

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by carolgm23 17 Apr 2012

Here is a link for Singertexas that sponsors one of the yahoo groups that Jim is on. She has a timing manual for $20 that is just about timing. I am going to order it as well. Carol

by susiesembroidery 17 Apr 2012

I hope you will be able to sort thru all your machines troubles with all these lovely cuties helping you and supporting you. Best of luck!!***

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by linda8450 17 Apr 2012

Sherry, you said you are NE FL, I am in SE AL, Dothan actually, and I have to go to Ft. Walton to the repair person for Viking because no one here does my machine. I don't know if he will work on Singer. We do have a Singer shop here (tho they told me they just use the name and sell Brothers now) but I think they work on Singers. My friend had a Futura that stopped working and the Singer shop told her it was a nice boat anchor!! She hasn't been able to get the computer portion to work at all and isn't worth the $$ to repair. I don't know if the Dothan Singer can help, but worth a phone call. Also, Derryl's sew center here. They have been here for 20+years might be of some help. Linda

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by carolgm23 17 Apr 2012

Sherry, don't give up. Here is a link for a repair manual for this machine. $15.00. I have it and it is crystal clear with instructions for timing. Good luck Carol

carolgm23 by carolgm23 17 Apr 2012

Sorry about the link. That is the one I used. Will try to find it again and repost.

carolgm23 by carolgm23 17 Apr 2012

Please do not click the above link. It is incorrect and will give you nothing. I am still trying to locate the proper link. Thanks. Carol

by nanabs 17 Apr 2012

Wow that is awful. where do you live? Timing here at my friends shop is $45.00 on a regular machine and complete tune up is only $64.95 which includes the timing. Small Emb. machines are $79.95 includes timing and large Emb. machines are $99.95 which includes timing. Sounds like you are getting ripped off. I am assuming you live out of the USA. UGH Hope you can find someone a lot cheaper. I think I saw a video maybe on youtube that shows you how to do the timing yourself. Hugs and best wishes. Judy aka nanabs

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

I live in FL, no service centers around me. I called Singer and asked them what it would cost - they gave me that quote. I have called a couple so called service places and they say "we don't work on singer futuras".... ugh! I did see one video on youtube and thought I would give it my best shot tonight when I get home. thanks for help. :)

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

on youtube and plan on giving it my best shot tonight when I get home.

nanabs by nanabs 17 Apr 2012

Hope it works for you. Be sure to let us know how it goes. Hugs

oaro by oaro 17 Apr 2012

Where in Florida you are living i do now some one in SOUTH FLORIDA

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 Apr 2012

FL GA border, an hour north of Jacksonville.

by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

I found out what is wrong with my Singer Futura, it's the timing and according to Singer it will cost $200-$300 to fix it - um, kidding right???? That is almost 1/2 the cost of the machine. Since warranty expired and youtube coming to my rescue - I'm going to attempt to fix it myself. I sure got the lemon off the assembly line, first something in the wheel broke (that was still under warranty) and now the timing ....... I continue to be ....... a dissatisfied customer. Babysitting grandsons today so won't be home until after 7pm - but I am going to give it my best shot. Kind of scared to do it but I can't afford to have it fixed. :(

undergroundsue by undergroundsue 17 Apr 2012

okay I don't know if this helps but, I own a CE350 and work with the Singer machines every day. What I can see from the picture is that the machine is out of alignment,(could of happened when broke the needle.) Did the bobbincase get damaged? If not, good. Alignments are tricky things and should be left to professionals, that said, if you are going to attempt this proceed slowly and test sew a bunch. make sure you turn the hand wheel manually before stepping on the foot control to avoid damaging the bobbincase.The price you were quoted is outrageous and nowhere close to what I paid when this happened to me. Even if this were still under warranty this is not a warranty issue:( I wish you success.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

I don't think it got damaged. I didn't run it luckily. I found out it was doing this when I couldn't get it to pick up the bobbin thread. Your message is cut off - if not go .........

bumblebee by bumblebee 17 Apr 2012

I'm not an expert but thats the first thing that came to my mind was timing.

undergroundsue by undergroundsue 17 Apr 2012

rats just noticed it cut me off! Good about the bobbin case. First off take the needle out. The groove that the needle carved take tiny piece of sand paper or a finger nail file and gently sand off the rough edges ,you don't want them to hang up the thread after you get the machine back into alignment. (i think timing and alignment are being used interchangeably )

undergroundsue by undergroundsue 17 Apr 2012

aagh not again. the thread after the machine is algned. Go slow follow the manual everyone is talking about. One last thing, after replacing the bobbincase turn the handwheel over manually

undergroundsue by undergroundsue 17 Apr 2012

before pushing on the foot control. You don't want to damage the bobbincase. Hope this helps. Sucess to you :)

by justsew 17 Apr 2012

I have only just seen your post, I have seen on Ebay were you can somtimes get the outer housing for some makes of machine, if it seems like it will come out to be replaced, i am sure some makes will and some wont. but another thing springs to mind and that is the timeing on the machine, if you have made the machine get stuck, it can send the timeing out, this is the very precise movement of the needle picking the undr tread up at the right moment. if you think it may be this, you do need a macanic. Hugs Pam

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by airyfairy 17 Apr 2012

Sherry, I hope you come right very soon. Sarah.

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

sent you a PM

by snowbird42 16 Apr 2012

Sherry this is awful i know that if my machine was not working correctly i would be devastated how you find a remedy soon...sooi

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by greysewist Moderator 16 Apr 2012

Sorry you've had to put it away for now, Sherry. Do let us know when you find out what the solution is, please.

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by gerryb 16 Apr 2012

Do try the Yahoo groups. You'll be surprised at how helpful they are! Hope they can help you & it's a quick fix!

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by maryanns66 16 Apr 2012

I have the Singer XL400 and love it. One tip I have that 'might' help is: Make sure the dial on your machine is on "E" for embroidery. If it's a bit will not embroidery correctly and the needle will not be alined properly. And make sure your bobbin case is sitting properly.
I hope something works for you and you're embroidering in no time at all.

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by moonwillow 16 Apr 2012

May I ask where you are? I could find out where you can take it ..If you are anywhere near me I would come by and look at it for you..:)

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 16 Apr 2012

I'm in NE Florida (GA/FL Border).

bumblebee by bumblebee 16 Apr 2012

Moonwillow did you ever figure out your problem or still giving up on your Singer

moonwillow by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

well lol I think it may be the bobbin thread..I did change brands and was told the singer would like it.not too sure.but the machine does have a design flaw,the upper thread gets caught on all sorts of things inside the machine

moonwillow by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

I am having to sew with the cover off to monitor it.I took a few days off too cool down.I am going to look at it tonight and rethink

moonwillow by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

Sherry hang in there these things all happen for a reason. Take a break and walk away.Then with a clear head take a look at it,I still think the needle needs to be up in the cradle

moonwillow by moonwillow 17 Apr 2012

another issue I have found with the machine. The little doohickie w the screw that holds the needle sometimes has to be moved around to set the needle right.It will come to you..I have faith you will get thru this..

bumblebee by bumblebee 17 Apr 2012

Also, for the thread path-Take a piece of
dental floss and pass it thru the thread path 2 or 3 times-lubes and cleans.

bumblebee by bumblebee 17 Apr 2012

Also, for the large cones I put cone on a coaster behind the machine and have a paper clip hooked to horizontal bar for more even feeding. I need a cone holder.
It makes a big difference.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by bumblebee 16 Apr 2012

Have you checked with the singer futura groups on yahoo- there are 2 that I know of which have experts. There are so many issues from timing to needing a new bobbin case. Obviously, if needle is hitting metal something is wrong so I would not use it till checked or and expert gives advice at yahoo.

bumblebee by bumblebee 17 Apr 2012

The resident expert at one of them is Jim.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Just got done posting - waiting for approval. Thank you!

by linda8450 16 Apr 2012

Just some idle thoughts, is the needle in the center position, is it "up there" as high as it will go in the needle holder (screw might have come loose), have you tried turning it off and recalibrating, that seems to straighten out a multitude of things. Don't throw it away just yet, someone will come up with an answer. Linda

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by shirley124 16 Apr 2012

Hope you find someone who can fix your machine. I dropped a needle down in the needle plate and it got jammed. Hope this hasn't happened to you. Shirley

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 17 Apr 2012

Thank you.

by granniebea 16 Apr 2012

Sometimes if the babbin case is not in properly the needle will hit the case.Have you taken the bobbin case out and reinserted it? Is the needle bent?
Good luck

1 comment
lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 16 Apr 2012

I've taken the bobbin case out numerous times and it just keeps hitting it. These pictures are without the bobbin case in there. And the needle is up as far as it will go - same type needle that I have been using all weekend. This needle is now bent but I don't want to bend anymore until I know that it will hit in the right spot.