I made a Catalog file folder by designer and copy and pasted the URL link, Picture, and instructions for files I needed. I don't think designers have ability to upload pdfs or word files
I do the copy & paste thing like mentioned below. I have tried the bookmarking, but on my computer the bookmarks are harder to find then what I copy & paste. Try both ideas that was mentioned here and see which one works the best for you.
I make folders in Windows. One is labeled Embroidery. and that folder has sub-folders. Much like when you look in a filing drawer cabinet. I highlight the info. including picture with a left click of the mouse. Then I do a left click and a window pops up and I copy. I then go to window and open the folder, sub folder like Peg cozies and paste. You can resize the photo. Save as document with a title so it is easy to find later.
Just to say thank you for the question.
I need one the grandchildren to show me how it is done,
I am also not very computer oriented, so, thank you for the question and all the answers from kind ladies. Have a lovely day.***
I put things in computer folders. My computer files are more organized than my closets!
To save instructions (or whatever), highlight what you want, copy, and paste that shaded area into a new text document with the same name as the design. I also save pictures with the same names. It makes it easier to find the what I want because everything is grouped together. For instance in my embroidery folder I have a cuties file. In the cuties file I have peg cozzies. In that folder I have designs, pictures and information. You can add as much or little in each file as you need or want.
Sometimes I save as a pdf file, but everyone doesn't have the software or want to do that. Everyone with a computer can make a text file, save a picture, or download a design into a specific folder.
I have a free PDF creator software (CutePDF) and I PDF the instructions and lots of other things (like the color sheets for designs, or pictures, etc.). The software is very easy to install and is available from cnet.com downloads (they virus check everything on their site).
I copy the info into a Word document, then save it into the same file as where the design is.