maybe next time I'll just stick to reading -Pooh,Fire Cat or the Kathy No Pockets -or a giraffe book.Anyway I am looking forward to the toy.
Thanks for everyone's help.I went to-
and it's on it's way! Great bargain at $9.99 .Thanks for all the help.
I just checked ebay (Item number: 251007596478) and the seller has a pair of miniature ceramic mongooses (geese?) for sale resonable. 'Tis a thought.
Amazon has an expensive mongoose (see link) and there are other Riki Tiki Tavi books. I especially like the Chuck Jones one and there may be others that he has illustrated. Barnes and Noble has a series of Jungle Book stories, at least 2 about Riki Tiki Tavi.
Thanks for the link. I read to children in hospital.I gave her the Rki Tiki Tavi book.But she'd like the toy. $49.00 is a tad high for me.
Have you tried Googling it or Ebay? You might get some ideas there.