by lflanders 01 May 2012

I have a strange request. I sure hope someone can help with this. My longtime boss(26 yrs) nickname was Cricket. I would like to find a cute cricket and a real-looking one to put on some dish towels for her. I went to work with them 32 yrs ago today, was there when her 1st husband passed away, when her two boys graduated, married and had children. She and her husband hired me as asst, mgr and 2 yrs later, I was mgr.and was there when she finally sold the business to a young man that thought he was God's gift to humanity. He tried to cheat all of the employees, vendors and the customers. Of course, I did not stay with him long and within 2 yrs he had lost the business. Of course, by then I had the surgery and was no longer able to get around without some help. There was no way that I could work standing and running all day long! The new owner did talk to me but after he found out that I was handicapped after my surgery, he asked me if I could recommend someone for a new Mgr. For once in my life, I decided to stay quiet and not give any suggestions!!!! I called Cricket today as I have done off and on since I left. She seemed to be out of sorts and definately had something on her mind. I thought a simple "thank you" gift from a friend and longtime employee might pick her up a bit! I do not think I have ever run across a Cricket design. Thanks, Linda


by pennifold 02 May 2012

Cute cricket on Bunnycup Embroidery and on Oregon Patchwor company really beautifully presented ones. Love Chris

meganne by meganne 02 May 2012

EUW! That second page gave me the heeby jeebies!!!!!

lflanders by lflanders 02 May 2012

Thanks Chris! I love the one at Bunnycup! Not too sure about the other. It is however an option!! Hugs, Linda

by blueeyedblonde 02 May 2012

I saw some at - will try to put the link (never done this before).

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 02 May 2012

Thanks a bunch! I will certainly have a choice of Crickets to use! Linda

by bevintex 01 May 2012

relaxing cricket

momhome by momhome 02 May 2012

That is sure a cute one. I can see it used for someone who is retired.

lflanders by lflanders 02 May 2012

She has huge pool in her yard and spens alot of time in it! I think this one would fit her personality very well! Thanks Beverly! Hugs, Linda

by bevintex 01 May 2012


lflanders by lflanders 01 May 2012

Thanks! These are cute! I would have never noticed the darling cricket on the plant! I am near blind, even with my glasses!

janetedna by janetedna 01 May 2012

You have done well finding these. Jan

by bevintex 01 May 2012

a couple here

by susiesembroidery 01 May 2012

I don't have a cricket, but just wanted to say:Sorry for all your problems. What a nice thing to do for your former boss. God bless you.

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 01 May 2012

I have actually been fighting this arthritis for more than 20 yrs. It was not until I had the surgery that I had to have help getting around. Long story but I was jst 57 and ended up in the nursing home for 8 months after the surgery, I have had to have a walker or my cart since then. That has been 8 yrs ago. I need both knees replaced now!