I bought some too at walmart for 25cents . Have not done any thing with it though ...Brends
Wow what a bargain,I have never done one,I did learn what a toques is.A great site you learn something every day
OMGosh!!!!! I really will have to stop skim reading!!!
"I found an awesome guy for 25 cents... how to embroider on him... a time or two...."
That made me sit up and take notice!@!!
They are easy to embroider on;just remember to do the design"upside down" or they will be bottom side up when you are done{Ask me how I know!!!} I do about 300 hats a year to sell at Xmas time. I have the set of monster designs from charming station that I use on them. I open them up at the seam and stitch in Ears and strips of fleece for hair ,then close the seam back up on my serger. The kids love them and i usually sell right out every year. I also just bought 200 hats at a closeout sale in Walmarts for $.25/WHAT A BUY!!!
great deal good for you, if I can offer this tip to help it would be to add wss on the top & a md weight on the bottom & remember to sew your design on upside down & inside out because if it is on the beak then it is really on the inside & then you flip it out! Good luck, once you get the hang of it they go pretty quick! Hugs Loralye
Thanks for the advice Loralye. That was about what I thought, but wasn't sure. Although, it's good you mentioned doing it upside down as I might have messed that up!
Now I know what a toque is! We call it a beanie, hehehe...
Hugs, Lidia
They are very easy to do, I did six at Christmas and they turned out great....Love a bargin!
Once I learned what a toque was, I figured out that you made a great purchase! I love bargains.
I had seen one done up in projects a while ago. Can't remember who did it. But I found a picture of one.
I think it was Carolyn! Can't wait to see your results, I have not done stretchy yet!