I couldn't resist and made one. Hope you like it. It is available in my website. Hugs, Yoriko
This is great Yoriko. Now just need to add some hot melt crystals for a bit more bling.
that is beautiful. thank you. could you send me a link to download the design? I really like it. Also could you help me with designing my own free standing lace embroidery? Could you suggest a program, website, technique? I really would like to learn. Edith
This is certainly a very interesting idea. Hope you find something and let us know. Lovies.
Maybe sewinhuggs could make you one she is excellent at that kind of thing .Send her a pm ok hugs
Thanks for the compliment,but I going to be busy cleaning my sewing room closet which looks like a hoarders room. So you know that is going to take me a while.
Here is a next trend! We have had some beautiful things come out of these discussions! Innovation! Live Laugh Download Stitch!
I went to Criswell and searched "ring". I found a lot of jewelry, charms, etc. You might look some more, I only glanced a little.
It's very easy to make, I just never seen or thought about it :) Hugs,Yoriko
To date - I have never seen one - but that doesn't mean - that there isn't one somewhere - clicking this to the top - so others can see.