by bikermomfl 09 May 2012

Help - I'm attempting to quilt a quilt for my girlfriend (who lives 4 hours south of me) I was doing a jolly good job and then all of a sudden I have excess fabric on the left side! Keep in mind this is loaded onto my longarm frame so it's pretty square. What do I do now? I've loaded a pix so you can see my problem. Thanks in advance for any help. Never had this occur before, I tend to think that the left side is longer with the top and bottom being the same size. Whatcha think?


by pennifold 11 May 2012

I think I'd do what Susan (rsehorse) suggests. If it is only a matter of unpicking simple stitches that's seems to be the best option. Love Chris

by aussiequilter 11 May 2012

It looks like your friend had not measured the middle of her quilt to get the right measurement ,if you just sew them on the will flute,Im afraid the sides will need to be recut and sewn,,,,,,, sorry

by bokkieborduur 11 May 2012

All that I can say: this is a lot of work. Good luck hugs Marie

by pldc 11 May 2012

did you measure the quilt first to see if it was square? If it were my quilt I would undo the stitches that were quilted & they make sure the rest is square this would probably mean stitch ripping to make sure, otherwise just add more batting & backing & it will be a different size. Chances are that one side was stretched through ironing instead of pressing sew in all likelyhood one or two of the edge pcs will just have to be cut shorter to fit the proper size I hope that this is helpful.

by pennyhal2 11 May 2012

It also looks like the batting doesn't fully cover either. I'd call the owner and explain what has happened and see what she wants to do. It appears that it is just the backing that is oversized. Since it is a square quilt, she may just want to chop off that extra fabric to maintain the square look. Otherwise, she'll have to add fabric all around the quilt. The decision is really up to herl

by rsehorse 09 May 2012

You said it's loaded onto your longarm frame? That's not what I'm seeing in the picture. So i'm confused. Have you already quilted part of it? If it is quilted you will have to remove the stitches where it is scrunched up and either take the top apart and make the fabric the length and carefully quilt ti again and ease in this fullness. Good Luck I know it's alot of work to undo. Susan

bikermomfl by bikermomfl 10 May 2012

It 'was' loaded onto the long arm, everything on the lower part of the screen up to the center is quilted, I removed it from the frame to try and figure out the problem.

rsehorse by rsehorse 11 May 2012

Ok then. I would remove those lastt couple rows where it is puckering. Measure to see long long these border rows should be, trim to that measurement and restich them in place. once it is squared up you can return it to the longarm frame and continue quilting. Hope have been of some help, Susan

rsehorse by rsehorse 11 May 2012

Ok then. I would remove those lastt couple rows where it is puckering. Measure to see long long these border rows should be, trim to that measurement and restich them in place. once it is squared up you can return it to the longarm frame and continue quilting. Hope have been of some help, Susan

by michemb 09 May 2012

cannot help, I am not a quilter but just had to tell you it looks beautiful, love the colors

1 comment
bikermomfl by bikermomfl 09 May 2012

thanks not my quilt but I'll pass along your compliment, she'll really appreciate it...