by mops Moderator 15 May 2012

I'm confused. Since yesterday I can not get to Community on my laptop - I get the message Welcome to nginx - but I can on my iPad - as I'm doing now. What can be wrong?


by rescuer Moderator 15 May 2012

You have redirect malware/virus. What anti-virus program do you use? Download (free) Malwarebytes or Spybot run the updates and scan your computer until the scan shows no problems.These programs do not interfere with your regular anti-virus as they must be run manually. I added links...I hope they show

by bumblebee 15 May 2012

Oh my goodness, I was given PC fine tune by my internet provider and it had done my updates-well after hearing about your issue Martine I decided to manually update. Wow, after hours of upgrades my PC
is flying and I can get into the web sites.
I'm so glad I did. Now I have IE9 on Vista 32 which is just flying. Backups done and relief. Now to more
important stuff like barbecues.
Linda aka Bumblebee

by olds 15 May 2012

I recently had my lap top worked on. The tech told me to get a wire cookie rack to sit my lap top on. It
lifts the lap top up from the table top about 3/4 to
1 inch so there is an air flow. Dollar General has the racks for $2.oo. Just a hint. Mauree

1 comment
bumblebee by bumblebee 15 May 2012

I agree-it gets so hot on these laptops.

by joansatx 15 May 2012

I had to run 3 versions of spyware to clean up my laptop last week. Which reminds me to share that we need to vacuum any openings on all surfaces of our computers regularly. Be sure to stay a few seconds at the fan and each port and across the keyboard,etc. New bag or emptied "can" often makes a difference. Makes them run cooler which is necessary for all kinds of things. I'm not super techy but my son is.

1 comment
bumblebee by bumblebee 15 May 2012

Didn't know that but I do vacuum.

by hightechgrammy 15 May 2012

I have heard from lots of sources that Firefox is the most stable browser of all, but I much prefer my old faithful. Remember you can always dump cache, which we should do ever couple of weeks anyway. And something really simple to try after that is to turn off your laptop completely, and give it a full ten minutes or more, then go back and boot up. Sometimes the www gets in the way of an address, also. Maybe try retyping in the URL without the www.... Just ideas from "hightech"grammy. I hate it when it does that!

mops by mops 15 May 2012

It had an overnight rest and that did not help. Funny thing is it's just community. I can go straight to projects and from there to all sections by clicking the tabs, but NOT to community.

mops by mops 15 May 2012

So it's Firefox for Cute and old faithful for the rest.

by lbrow 15 May 2012

Sounds to me like the ipad and the cp have had a disagreement. LOL Martine A cp Guru I am not. Glad you are back on though and maybe you have it all fixed by now/Lillian

by basketkase 15 May 2012

Martine, my computer kept asking me to allow this site to put a small cookie on my computer...I said no 3 x's before it stopped asking...this happened several times when I came into community yesterday...

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 15 May 2012

did someone say cookies??? Oatmeal with raisins??

mops by mops 15 May 2012

You make me hungry! Which reminds me to go to the kitchen and start cooking.

by mops Moderator 15 May 2012

So I installed Firefox and now I can get into Community. Weird!

by bumblebee 15 May 2012

Sorry, thats weird but I haven't been able to get into other sites that I should be able too this past weekend-weird and annoying. What browser are you using, I have an older vs. windows internet explorer that I'm weary of but maybe I'll change.

1 comment
mops by mops 15 May 2012

I use Windows Internet Explorer and regularly update, but now installed Firefox.

by gerryvb 15 May 2012

strange... I should say when the iPad can, the laptop should be able to do so too. Don't understand either, sorry. But here's a hug and a * for you. Hope you will be able to come in community on your laptop soon.

by aussiequilter 15 May 2012

sorry I dont now whats going on ,,,I am not having any trouble,,,,,,

by mops Moderator 15 May 2012

I can get to all other sections, it's just Community that gives me problems.

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 15 May 2012

Oh no! Not problems in Cute Community again! - LOL