I can't help you, sorry. Don't know a thing about it. Just didn't want to ignore you.
I too saw a demo and was impressed. As mentioned in another posting, I did not get it because I had already invested in the Viking brand 4D Extra. Can't afford another one. Like most things you just have to plug away and learn as you go. I believe they have an on-line help feature.
Thanks for writing too! I saw something on the Sewforum site...there must be Floriani digitizers who share back and forth. Like you, I have invested also in PE design Next, but have not used it:>)
I asked this question about 10 days ago and after not receiving any responses asked it again. The second time I had two replies from 2 kind Cuties but both said they didn't use it. I too was impressed by a demonstration which was why I bought it (also the shop where I bought my embroidery machine had just received the franchise from Floriani - so I suppose they thought it was the best. I had one lesson and again it seemed very good but I have only dabbled a little with the package and not being very astute on the computer I found things a bit difficult and so it has been left. I have been very encouraged by the Cuties on this site, that I feel that I should perservier (please excuse spelling) and come up with some designs. Do you live in the UK?
Not getting a good response must have been a bit of a let-down. I'm sorry. I didn't respond because I have no experience with it. I admire the people who can digitize--it is too hard for me
I wish I had seen your post. It was about 10 days ago that I went to the Floriani class. But, better late than never!!
Does your shop offer classes? Mine if offering monthly classes for 1 year.
Thank you for your response. Yes the shop where I purchased the Floriani software does conduct classes, but unfortunately I moved from the UK to Malta and I have not met anyone yet here who uses an embroidery machine! So it is going to be a trial and error way of learning but joining Cuties has given me the desire to practice. May be one day I will be able to offer Cuties something that I have digitised!!! Do you live in the UK or USA. As it is an American produced item I suppose they would be more keyed into lessons for purchasers of their software.