by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Sad :( My hubby found this baby kitten day before yesterday. He took it to the vet yesterday: weighed 1/2 pound, infection in the eyes, temp a little elevated. Vet told hubby that sometimes this type of infection could be fatal, especially to tiny babies (runt). Took kitty home with medicine, bottle and milk. Very sad to say we lost her yesterday afternoon. She never had a chance, the infection attacked her fiercely and quickly. Within an hour of starting to go down hill she was gone. Nothing we could do. Even though she was found and we only had her for a very short time my heart is breaking. This is the life I live, death of rescue animals. I think it is time I have a serious talk with the grim reaper - it is time for him to leave my rescue and go elsewhere. Thank you for letting me share my story. :(


by justonlyme 20 May 2012

Losing an animal just plain hurts, no matter how much or little time you have invested. They are so sweet and so helpless.
I found a new kitten one time under a delivery truck that had pulled in to my brother's business. It must have crawled up underneath the truck when it was stopped. It was on the muffler, terrified I'm sure, and had ridden there for quite a distance. Her little feet were burned beyond blisters. I nursed her back to health and gave her love. But I couldn't keep her. One of my brother's neighbors offered to give her a home. But I don't think she was meant to be. Shortly after she went to live with the neighbor, one of those door to door solicitors scared her. She freaked out, darted across the street and was hit by a car and died. So much trauma for such a young life. But she was well loved in between those times. I'm sure your little darling there was too! Hang in there. These critters appreciate our efforts, even though sometimes it isn't enough to get them through....

by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you very much for all your love and support for this poor little kitty. She was loved by so many people and has left her mark even though she never met you all. She can see down and see how many of us loved her in her short life. Thank you again. Hugs! ~Sherry~

by drro 20 May 2012

SO sorry to read about your loss. My niece had this happen this past Christmas with one of the kittens her children had chosen from a kitty rescue site. It is so sad any time...young or old cat, long or short time pet family member. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you very much. It is never easy for us but when it affects a childs heart it just seems so much sadder. I hope the kids ended up with a great little kitty to love on. Thank you for sharing that.

by danababes 19 May 2012

Awww what a shame :( I'm glad she had you to care for her in her last days and I'm sure she's smiling down on you and purring right now :) xXx

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you and I'm sure you are right. And she is having the time of her life with all the other loving and caring kitties that were at the Rainbow Bridge to greet her.

by bnilla9241 19 May 2012

Sorry for your loss. I thank you for giving it your all. She had a lot of love wrapped around her when she died.

Bless you, Bonnie

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you Bonnie, she was definitely loved a lot but God had other plans for her. We are just His keeper until He needs them to come Home.

by shirley124 19 May 2012

At least you know you did all you could for the little soul. Hugs

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you. Even though we know we did all we could for her we are still second guessing ourselves now. But I think that is a part of the grieving process. We are fine and will do it again if another tiny baby finds its way to us.

by rmj8939 19 May 2012

God bless you for trying to help.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you very much.

by pennifold 19 May 2012

God bless you for doing what you do. How wonderful that she had such a loving and caring home to be in for her final days. God knows you have such a big heart. Love and blessings Chris

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you Chris, appreciate your kind words.

by christracey 19 May 2012

A little sweetie. At least now she is out of any pain/suffering...and the most important thing is that she didn't leave this world all alone. She got to know love if only for a short time.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 20 May 2012

Thank you and in that short of time she was very much loved.

by cfidl 18 May 2012

she had you, she needed you and you were there. Thanks, it does mean a lot.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you very much!

by basketkase 18 May 2012

Sherry, my heart aches for you & this little one, however, she was brought to you for comfort so she wasn't alone at the end...I know how hard it is on us human's but it was so wonderful for her to have you there.....bless you!! Vicki

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Vicki. Hubby says I wear my heart on my sleeve - he is so right. And I tell him I would much rather be around animals than people because people can be so nasty and rude (not my cutie family though). The animals we rescue (mostly horses) give us unconditional love and expect nothing - but get everything. Gosh - I love my job! :D

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

unconditional love and expect nothing - but get everything. Gosh - I love my job! :D

by blueeyedblonde 18 May 2012

You did a wonderful job. She could have not known any kindness and loving - maybe your hubby was meant to find it so it could have just that.
It's been a while, but my son and I have ended up with strays, a few cats, but mostly dogs - even one the vet was going to have to put down if he couldn't find anyone to take her (he'd even make sure she had all her shots), so guess where she ended up!

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you and I am sure she ended up with you. :D She knew where she was going before you or the vet.

by lucypiwow 18 May 2012


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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Lucy. It sure doesn't take long to get that bond either.

by pennyhal2 18 May 2012

I appreciate your efforts and those of others who rescue animals who come their way. Not always an easy thing to do, but it does help make the world a better place.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you. Your so right, it is not always easy or cheap but I believe that this is my calling and I will keep doing it for as long as God will let me. I do get the good too and they do outweigh the bad - I just have to remember that.

by nanabs 18 May 2012

I'm so sorry to hear this. What a little cutie. About 10 years ago my daughter and family moved in with us while their home was being built behind ours. One evening my daughter heard a baby kitty crying under our closed in deck. she had her hubby crawl back in there and get it. I guess the mommie just left it cause it was so tiny. She went to the store and bought a bottle and milk and fed it every 2 hours every night and when it's eyes became infected she took it to her vet. He said it would be a miracle if it lived. We kept it in a coke box and I had to force feed it but finally got it to take the bottle. Named her CC for Coke Cola since she stayed in that box for quite awhile. lol CC now weighs about 10 lbs. and is very healthy. The vet couldn't believe she lived. Wish I could post a picture of her now. I doubt she weighed a 1/4 a pound when she was rescued. Sometimes there is a happy ending. Bless you for trying to give this presious little kitty a chance to live. Hugs Judy aka Nanabs

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you for that story, it made me smile. I wish we could have been lucky like that but God has other plans for her. We'll see her again. I never had one that had an eye infection that could take their life - I'm going to do some research on it and be prepared if it happens again, yes - I will do it again. :) Thank you Judy.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

be prepared if it happens again, yes - I will do it again. :) Thank you Judy.

by mooie24 18 May 2012

Bless you for giving loving arms if only for a short while
Big hugs from London
Maria xx

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Maria.

by emily16838 18 May 2012

You made me sorry that the medicine din't work...I like the Disney verision of life where everyone lives. :D

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Me too Emily. I think I'm going to live there someday. :D

by zoefzoef 18 May 2012

Sorry to hear you could not rescue this little animal. If if can be of any comfort to you, I think the cat felt that at least someone in the world loved her and so she could go to the other side peacefully.It is said we can not rescue them all..

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

I do believe she knew. And it's very true we cannot rescue them all but I sure wish I could. She loved my hubbys lap and his neck.

by catsnhorses 18 May 2012

Thank you for trying so hard to save this tiny creature. In her short life, she has touched many of our hearts. God bless you for caring!
Marion in KY

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Marion.

by smallwunderz 18 May 2012

and I am so happy that this poor little sweetie did not die alone somewhere on the street without ever knowing what a caring human is all about.
Lois W.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Amen! I went to the area that hubby found her and did find more kittens but they were with mommy and safe. I think they pushed her out knowing she was going to die - breaks my heart even more thinking that but we wanted her! We gave her love, food, warmth and a lap to curl up on. We didn't have her long but I miss her so much.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

warmth and a lap to curl up on. We didn't have her long but I miss her so much.

by smallwunderz 18 May 2012

such a cutie ! My heart is breaking with you. But thank you for all you do for these poor animals and may God continue to bless you for your endeavors. Hugs to you and your husband.
Lois W.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Lois. All in all I really do love my job.

by ansalu 18 May 2012

So sorry that you lost this little kitty.
She looks a little bit like my "Flöhchen" (= little flea) that I took from a farm 20years ago. She had every parasit an animal can have: Masses of fleas ( so this gave her the name), tapeworm, mites in her ears and eyes, one eye was damaged and she was much too lightwighted but she was the most loving cat in the world.
Had to put her to sleep 5 years ago and it still aches so much...
I hope that you can save many moore animals and they all can have a happy live :o)
Greetings, Bettina

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Bettina. The ache never goes completely away even though we wish it did. Maybe your Flöhchen was there to meet our little angel to take her under her wing and show her the ropes. She's happy and healthy now and with our Lord.

by meganne 18 May 2012

I hate to see animals suffering, it just breaks my heart that there is so much cruelty inflicted on animals, whether deliberate cruelty or cruelty by neglect, they deserve better from their 'supposed' caretakers, humans.
I am so sorry this little girl lost her battle to survive and I send you and your hubby a million blessings for TRYING to save her.
Sending the Angel of Animals to guide her safely home. God bless her little soul.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you very much. A beautiful angel for a beautiful baby on her way home. I just thank God he took her fast, she did not suffer.

by sdrise 18 May 2012

My heart breaks for you. Thank you for what you do. This little one was lucky to have you if only for a short time. She died in loving warm arms not alone outside with no one to care. I too rescue animals. I have fixed ten cats this year alone and placed several in loving homes. I have a rescued cat myself that I saved from starvation. She is 5 now. I also feed three others outside. A Tom cat I call uncle Tom, his sister Mama both 2 years old now and Mama's last baby Pixie. They are all together come three times a day to eat and hang around my house and yard. I love them all . They are healthy and happy and have all had their shots. Uncle Tom was just fixed a month ago. I finally caught him. He was in fights every few days and always had injuries. This last time he was bitten badly in the face. I thought we would lose him to infection. But with treatment he is healed and healthy now. No more fights.
So don't be discouraged ..Keep doing what you do. It makes a big difference in these poor animals lives. I will continue to help too. Think of it as we are caring for Gods creatures. Thanks Suzanne

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you for what you do too Suzanne. There are more of us out there than we know (rescuers) and we do our best with God's creatures. Those cats are lucky to have you in their lives. I will keep going, it's what I do but sometimes it just hurts and hard. Especially when you can't understand how people can be so cruel and unloving. God Bless all of us and I pray that our jobs may not be needed in the future. Thanks Again.

lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

hard. Especially when you can't understand how people can be so cruel and unloving. God Bless all of us and I pray that our jobs may not be needed in the future. Thanks Again.

sdrise by sdrise 18 May 2012

I agree 100%. Thnks for your kind words too. It takes special people to care so much for stray and abused animals. Thoae people have huge hearts! Suzanne

by capoodle 18 May 2012

Will pray that the rest of the year goes well and that the rescued animals will find a forever home.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you very much.

by lyns 18 May 2012

You gave her a chance & she died knowing she was loved. Sending you lots of love. Lyn. xx

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you Lyn.

by cclark 18 May 2012

I'm so sorry for your loss! Please remember that all rescues don't turn out this way.

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lawmedassistant by lawmedassistant 18 May 2012

Thank you. I know they don't but in the last year we have euthanized 2 horses, lost our parrot, lost a cat during pregnancy and now this little angel. Just been a bad year for the rescue.