by justonlyme 18 May 2012

Does anyone know the names of the fonts used in the attached picture? I'm trying to make a wall hanging for a graduation gift for someone who is the only one in his family to graduate from high school. This is a big deal. I've searched, but cannot seem to find what I'm looking for today. Thank you!!


by parkermom 18 May 2012

Well, the "M" looks like a collegiate font, and the "tigers" looks to me like a true type font like Script MT Bold, each of them with an outline. My pe-design will put outlines on fonts, but I've never tested it. I hope this helps you. I'm sure there's another cutie much more knowledgeable than me. I've had great luck with Jolson designs, and their fonts are only $4 or so.

1 comment
justonlyme by justonlyme 19 May 2012

Thank you. I found that I have the M, now that I know what to look for. Now I'll just find something as close as possible for the "Tigers" and let it be done. I appreciate you taking the time to assist!!!