I hope you figure it out soon. I'm anxious to see your designs! Thank you for thinking of us!
I hope that Cuties answers have assisted you and that we can look forward to seeing and using some of your designs in the near future.****
ttt....I am wondering if njola was able to post....have been watching in DBC but haven't seen anything.
The name of the design cannot have any breaks..for example Pretty Pony must be named PrettyPony. try changing the name of your design to all one run together name.
Hi, I'm not very good at digitizing, but I do love sharing the simple designs I can do with the other Cuties. You basically need a jpg of the design, preferably of the stitch out, and the different formats you can post. There is a place where you can state your own stipulations for copyright and use. I'm excited to see all you do! Jan
this information comes right off of cute:
The "Designs by Cuties" is a place where you can download FREE embroidery designs created by our members. Cuteembroidery.com Members may only post designs here that they themselves created.
I did try to put out a design that i created myself but it didn´t post on the wall
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