What an awesome idea and it is very elegant! Is the bell originally FSL?? If so was it stitched first and then sewn to the towel or just how did you do this. I love it - gotta do some like this!
It´s stitched on the towel direct, because I had to mix the loop with the bell right. The bell makes the towel stiffer on the top so the towel folds better when I hang it up.
Thanks to you. The loop can be cut bigger. When I hang up my towels with a design on the top, they are folding down so pretty automatically, I didn´t exspect they would do that.
Great job! Love the loop. Time to start thinking Christmas already? Nothing like getting a head start.
Flott - já það er ýmislegt hægt að breyta og bæta - ég geri það oft.
The lace beel is lovely. Works out well for the towel loop.