Awww... My Brother multi-tasker is great but I still love my 35yr Bernina930. I've got them at opposite ends of a table. When I bought my used car, the first owner's last words were, "She likes to get washed every Wednesday." Ha!
Think of the joy you are bringing to new "mums" by selling your older "kids"!
well I know somebody will be very happy with your baby. Hugs, Gerry
An upgrade is always fun - you can get attached - but if you have to sell - you have to sell to get what you want. Enjoy and don't worry - she will look after him.
I do not think I could part with one, I hope I can hand them down to someone, so I can still see what they create! Silly?
judging by numbers you have an upgrade 8-) but have some heartstirngs to you babies. Have fun, they will be in good hands.
Congrats on the new machine, but I'd think twice about getting rid of both of your other machines as you could use one for backup.
Congratulations on the new machine.
After my lastest experience, I'd be keeping one as a backup