by devon 25 May 2012


Went and had a test done on my arm.
They say I don’t have a clot but the doctor will call me……………..
It is 5:30 and NO phone call.
Thanks everyone. DeVon

I feel like it is going up my arm. Thanks again ever


by momhome 27 May 2012

How long has it been like this? Did it start in your hand and move up your arm or did it start in your elbow area and move down? Is it warm to touch and very tender? It is good news that it isn't a clot. Do I remember correctly - didn't you have surgery on your arm not to long ago - or was that one of the other cuties? Keep us posted on how you are doing.

by pennifold 26 May 2012

What great news DeVon, at least it's not a clot. I hope because the doctor didn't ring back that it obviously is not too serious. I hope you can contact him on Monday. Love Chris

by kalinelson 26 May 2012

Great news on no clot....waiting for the Dr. to call can seem like an eternity....I think I'd have to give him a continue to be in my prayers.....Gods blessings

by hightechgrammy 26 May 2012

I know this isn't what I had, but when I saved my cat from strangling itself in the miniblind cords, it looks horrible like this. He had punctured my arm with his claws - and really deep. Along with lots of antibiotics, i had to keep it warm and moist with heating pads. I actually had cat scratch fever! My cat lived and so did I.

by hightechgrammy 26 May 2012

OH MY, DeVon! I'd keep calling that doctor's phone number or something!! I'm glad it wasn't a blood clot. Did they say to use warm or cold compresses? It looks miserable - hugs, and more hugs, Jan

by susiesembroidery 26 May 2012

Hope you feel really better soonest. Lovies.****

by gerryvb 26 May 2012

prayers and hugs for you my friend!!hope you will recover soon, and pain will get less!

by lbrow 26 May 2012

No clot is good news. Hope soon everything will be better for you./Lillian

by cfidl 26 May 2012

I would go to the health food store and get some arnica montana. There is a kit by Hylands for infants with these compounds. Arnica is from Alaska and has been used by Shamans since ever... Also you can ask at that store or find a chinese herbalist that speaks some English - just watch, cuz all(most) their products have acetminephen in them. I would continue ice also. Blessings.

by shirlener88 26 May 2012

I will keep praying for you to heal - this looks awful - but you might be in the healing proecess and it will look worse before it gets better.

by shirlener88 26 May 2012

I will keep praying for you to heal - this looks awful - but you might be in the healing proecess and it will look worse before it gets better.

by drro 25 May 2012

That it is not a clot is good news, and I keep praying for you!;>) Hugs and blessings for our dear Lord!! ro

by eyeztodiefor10 25 May 2012

I'd give the doc a call first thing Monday morning. At least you know it isn't a blood clot. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

by parkermom 25 May 2012

I had what looked similar to that from nurses trying to start an iv. They stuck me seven times! Apparently, I had a leaky vein and blood pooled around my hand and up my arm. Looked like my arm had been run over by a truck! Doctor said soak in warm compresses. Took several days to stop spreading and then several more for bruising to start going away. Hope yours resolves like that.

1 comment
undergroundsue by undergroundsue 26 May 2012

Me too. The doctor said the same thing.