THIS is the hardest part - waiting! We know the quilts made it, but we have to wait and wait for pictures! Pavel took pictures, but doesn't have access to internet until he gets home. Someone took pictures of him feeding street kids and bandaging cuts and sores, washing clothes, and even teaching math to street kids, but no quilt pictures! Boo Hoo - it's driving me crazy, but I'm waiting too. I want to see pictures of happy faces of kids with quilts!!! Thanks for your patience in waiting too. God Bless You still and thanks for waiting with me! Jan
I'm waiting for pics too. Hopefullt Pavel will get to the internet down there before he has to come home. I can't wait to see pics of the kids!
they have arrived and i think have been delivered. There is a hard time getting internet access there but as soon as they can will post pictures.