I use Schappe Spun thread from Japan. The first spool came with my Elna Xquisite machine and when I wasn't able to locate more, our dear Yoriko organised her son (in Japan) to buy a bulk supply for me.
I shall be eternally grateful to them both as I really love this thread and all my machines like it too.
Hugs n roses, Meganne
I use Janome bobbin fill and Rheingold thread for under ordinary designs and What ever Brand in the top the same in the bobbin for FSL with my 11000 Janome even though they dont use anything but Janome bobbin fill. Hugs Joyce
I use YLI and Finishing Touch both work well in my Ellegante/Lillian
I use the embroidery thread from Brother that came with my machine (#60)
I use NEB perwound from the US , I do rewind them onto janome bobbins though, because the are often Knotted onto the bobbin , and cause them to tug at the shuttle if I get to the end
Gee that seems hard work considering you've prob paid top dollar for pre-wounds, to then have to rewind them!
I eather buy spools of bobbin thread or depending on the project use my embroidery thread as bobbin thread also.
I use Serger/Overlock thread cones for my non pre-wound bobbins....lots of colors if you need colored bobbin thread...works great for FSL designs on top and in bobbin especially of you want that antique "cotton" look. Works great, inexpensive, and always on hand in all colors because of my serger!
I use YLI bobbin thread when not using prewound. I have a Janome and it is not fussy. Hugs..Carol
I use 100% polyester fish line i call it there is1000,000 meters on a spool for less then twenty dolls one lasts me 6 months .I also have some white thread that is really shiny from a Canadian comp. that is nice to .It has 70,000 meters and was 13.75 a spool Carolyn
My Janome machine only really likes Janome bobbin thread which is expensive but on a good day I can get away with overlocker thread!
Now that is strange. I believe we have the same model and mine will use what I give her...Hugs..Carol
Interesting! I was told at the thread supplier that Janomes like a cotton bobbin thread, so I buy a huge reel of that and wind my own. Bobbinex, I think it is called.
I have ajanome 300E. I bought 5 spools of boobin thread 60wt. I believe. On line at ebay. I think I have enough to last the rest of my life. Ha
You can buy large cones of 60 weight Bobbin Thread and wind your own bobbins.
Some place only have white and black in the 60 weight Bobbin thread but other vendors do carry colors in the 60 weight bobbin thread too.
I use Finishing Touch Bobbin Thread:
I bought 60 weight thread to match my 40 weight thread. The guy who services my machine said to never use that. I was just wondering..
Hi, I did buy a set of embroidery thread that is 60 weight, so I could match top and bottom colors. When my machine is tuned just right, it doesn't matter if the color matches or not, because the bobbin thread doesn't show on the top. I find my lazy self just using pre-wound bobbins almost all of the time. They hold much more thread than I can ever fill on them and always work perfectly for me. I do love to pre-fill lots of bobbins, though, with threads for FSL projects with my 40 weight poly thread and have them on hand. It makes me feel like a squirrel :-)
Depends what I am doing. For FSL I use the same thread as the top. For some projects I use bobbin thread and for things like pencil toppers and cozies and try out designs I bought some big cones with cheap thread.
I fill a bobbin with my regular embroidery thread to match my design, if it is feasible. Otherwise, I use bobbin thread that I purchase at the sewing center.