Prayers for all of you. This is an outstanding hospital and the new treatments available now for this disease have greatly helped so many. I know your sweet baby will be well taken care of. Hugs, Carol
Children's Mercy is a very good hospital. If one of my g-kids was very sick that is where I would have them taken. We have been there several times as they have pediatric specialists that you don't find just anywhere. Do you live in Kansas or MO? I am from Ks.
Your GS is fortunate that it has been picked up at this early age. I am type 2 for about 30 years. Have been on unsulin for about 2 years. The Dr told me that insulin is better for the body than tablets. Type 1 and Type 2 are different so take advice from your Dr (Endocronologist). They will give you the best advice.
You and your family are in my prayers. I don't have alot of experience with diabetes to offer any advice, but I do understand and know the fear that accompanies a situation like this. I will keep yu in my thoughts and prayers, Susan
I know a local family whose 2 boys were both diagnosed with Type 1 at around 4 or 5 years old. They are both on pumps and manage very well. They're around 16 & 20yo now. There is a lot of new research being done in this area, so it will become even easier to manage as time goes on.
Dear BrendaLeas, Our daughter was diagnosed with type one diabetes when she was two years old. We were diligent as parents to manage the disease with as many as eight blood tests and day, and three to four shots a day. It was very challenging at first with lots to learn, but with time, it became a way of life. She is now 32 years old, wears a pump and has a relatively normal life. She has not suffered any of the serious complications from the disease as of yet. The Drs. say that this is due to excellent management. The really great news for your grandson is that they have so much to help the diabetic. Have your grandson's parents read and educate themselves as much as possible. Look into the "pump". It changed my daughter's life and gave her much more independence. Tell his mom and dad to try to take all of this slowly. It WILL get easier. You'll all be in my prayers.
Brenda, my DH and all his family are diabetics. It is generic and they all have to inject and use tablets everyday. It is not easy living with diabetis in the beginning, but it is easily manged and monitored. Just see that he has an extra small meal packed for 2nd break so that he can replenish and control his diabetes better. I wish you and your family all the best and I hope your Grandson will be able to monitor his way of life by also talking to his friends and their parents about it. It helps when the close friends and family are awae of what they are allowed to eat and drink. That makes that he will be able to have a normal life. Lovies and best wishes.
Brenda, I know it must be so scary to hear something like this and to be on the waiting end of things. You are all in my prayers and may the peace that surpasses all understanding be with you.;)
Oh Brenda, I'm praying for him, his family and You, so you don't have to worry. It is good they found out and now his treatment can be started. It's hard for a kid to have diabetes, but the technology is there, and he will be okay - Truly.
Love and hugs from a diabetic, Jan
You will have my prayers for your little Grandson.
Lillian is so right in what she has said and most children seem to handle their diabetes much better than adults do, they just take it in their stride as if it is no big deal.
It can be frightening at first but common sense and following the Diabetic Association's guidelines, to the letter, will see your GS leading a normal, healthy active life.
Please keep us informed of his progress and give us his name so we can direct our healing energy to the right little boy.
I'm sending the Angel of Children to watch over him.
Hugs and blessings, Meganne
I know Juvenile Diabetes is scary but the great thing is it was diagnosed early before disaster struck. Parents will receive excellent(should) education on how to do everything right for your grandson and his life will be where others will probably not know he has it. In other words he will not be any different than his playmates except diet will be a little different and medication that his mom and dad will handle. I have seen a lot of Juvenile diabetes and if treated correctly they live long and productive lives. Will keep you in my prayers/Lillian
What a good jub his mum took him to the doctor.Poor him you hear more and more about diabetes.
Pray all will go well for him
Prayers going up for everyone involved. They have come so far in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Your DGS and his family will learn what he can and can't eat and how to manage it, so that it becomes second nature to everyone. Hugs to all.
Prayers for your grandson. I know there is research, and I pray it becomes manageable. christine