by amarilloactor 17 May 2008

I was reviewing the reviews of the differnt machines. I recently purchased a Brother Innovis 4500D and several people mentioned "thread stripping". Can anyone explain what that is? thx E


by shirlener88 17 May 2008

Eric, it appears you have your answer, so I will leave you with a flower - now you have 71!!

by tmbache 17 May 2008

Seems you have a really nice answer from mops. good luck if this is happening to you. but I understand it was something you were reading. Flowers to you

by shirleysisson 17 May 2008

You seem to have been given the answer. It's great that there are such helpful people on this site. *4U

by nglover1 17 May 2008

I don't have that model of brothers but 2 of my friends do and They haven't had that problem naybe it is just an adjustment needed .

1 comment
nglover1 by nglover1 17 May 2008

Sorry , naybe = maybe

by mops Moderator 17 May 2008

I think lbrow is right, the thread starts to fray and half of strands bunch up, leaving a very thin thread that eventual breaks. Very frustrating. Is often a tension problem or a faulty needle with too sharp edges. And sometimes it's due too some rough part of the machine.

by lbrow 17 May 2008

Eric I'm not familiar with the term thead stripping & I wonder if they r talking about thread shredding while you're embroidering. this I do know because some brnds I have used n past would do just that n middle of design thread starts separating into shreds & leaves u with 1 or 2 strands.still n needle