I used a silver, soft, ribbon-looking "thread" for what would be top stitching, but I put it in the bobbin and it worked great. Use longer stitch length and slow down. I put it on the hem of jeans that had been top stitched with silver thread, sort of thick, and needed to be rehemmed. They were glitsed up with sequins and silver all over, so wasn't over the top, and customer loved them. You can use yarn, etc in the bobbin, I would try it and see if it worked. Easy to unstitch if it doesn't. Linda
I have been wanting to try pearl cotton in my bobbin. So please come back and tell us how it did! thanks Live Laugh Download Stitch!
I turned the bobbin winder speed down to the slowest it would go, and held the spool on a pencil to feed it smoothly. Then watched carefully as it wound. It is sort of loose. Then I carefully fed it through the bobbin threading path. Lengthed the top stitch length, used regular sewing thread in the needle and stitched slowly. Hardest part is getting it to stitch really straight for a hem going that slowly! Worked great! I did pull the ends through to the back with a large eye needle, tied ends so it wouldn't pull out. Linda
There are some brands of embroidery thread that have 100% cotton on spools. I have used it with the blanket stitch and some of the other heirloom on my machine and it looks nice for applique and for crazy quilts. It stitches a little denser/bolder than the rayon and polys.
Thread, yes. Floss, I wouldn't but you can always try- after all you will only have to pick it out from your bobbin case if it doesn't work.
aww man i just noticed i said embroidery thread D:
i meant embroidery floss
Yes and on top. I do it all the time.
Glad to know this as I was planning on trying to use 2 strands of embroidery floss in my embroidery/sewing machine to to an applique quilt top instead of hand doing it.