by josiesew 12 Jun 2012

Silhouette of birds on a telephone wire. Does anyone have an idea where I can find this design? Thanks for the help.


by ansalu 13 Jun 2012

Urban has some different birds sitting together. If you stitch just the last color of the "birds on the bunting-line" it should be similar to what you are looking for :o)
Greetings, Bettina

1 comment
josiesew by josiesew 13 Jun 2012

Thank you. This is very close to what I was looking for!

by littleklothz 13 Jun 2012

Urban Threads has one

by lphelps222 13 Jun 2012


by oigelcox 12 Jun 2012

Pauls Singing birds. From Emb. Library

1 comment
justonlyme by justonlyme 13 Jun 2012

That looks really cool!!

by oigelcox 12 Jun 2012

Embroidery Library has a silhouette of a bird on music bars.Hugs Joyce

by pennifold 12 Jun 2012

Here is the link to the birds on wires at Embroidery library. Love Chris

pennifold by pennifold 12 Jun 2012

As Sukira has said they are not silhouettes (linework?) love Chris

josiesew by josiesew 13 Jun 2012

No, they aren't silhouettes, but they are also lovely. I want to add them to a quilted bag that I am making for my daughter. She loves the silhouette look.

by justonlyme 12 Jun 2012

I remember one that was a wire stretched almost to the ground with birds on it. Seems like it was a cutie design. It came out around Christmas or somewhere near then. Perhaps someone can give a direct link. I'll post the one I'm able to find. Good luck with your search!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 12 Jun 2012

cute design.

josiesew by josiesew 13 Jun 2012

Thank you.

by sukira 12 Jun 2012

I think Embroidery Library has some birds on a wire in color though.

1 comment
katydid by katydid 12 Jun 2012

I think so also but don't have link.

by bevintex 12 Jun 2012

birds on a telephone wire.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 12 Jun 2012

cute design