by almag 19 Jun 2012

I am going to buy another computer and have found that the new machines don't come with Windows XP (which is what my 3D Program uses) any more. The one I'm probably getting has Windows 7 and Windows 8 Pro. Only the Windows 7 interests me.

I remember people having compatibility problems with Windows 7 and their embroidery programs when it first came out.

My question is... have those problems been able to be resolved?

Is there something that I should be aware of, something I need to do, if I do get this new computer with Windows 7, regarding the continued use of my 3D Embroidery Program?

Any, and all, advice will be gratefully received.



by bumblebee 20 Jun 2012

I know how you feel I have some programs that are to old to run on newer windows. I will probably have to have 2 computers with different systems.

1 comment
almag by almag 20 Jun 2012

This was one option I'd thought about. My laptop in my sewing room was installed with XP just for the embroidery. It might be the way to go in the end except that I can use the big keyboard and computer much easier. Alma.

by susiesembroidery 20 Jun 2012

I have Windows 7 Professional. It fit in with my Bernina V6 system and works very well.****

1 comment
almag by almag 20 Jun 2012

Thank you. Good information for those with Bernina systems.

by marcellelewis 20 Jun 2012

I received an email today from Microsoft that Windows 8 Preview Version is available for download now. So many software vendors have not even been able to catch up to Win 7 and now they have to start dealing with Win 8.

With such specialized software as our embroidery and graphics programs it is not always best to get the new Windows operating systems that come out. It just takes awhile for other software to catch up and for printer manufactures to upgrade their drivers to work with the new Windows versions.

I prefer to wait for all the experts to do the beta testing and get the bugs, interfaces and drivers worked out before changing. I would much rather stay with what I have that is working. I want my embroidery and graphics software to work and I don't want to deal with problems with new operating systems.

I don't see the software revolution slowing down at all though, only speeding up. From what I read Win 8 will keep all of a person's computers, phones, ipads, cloud, facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc. connected at all times. I am behind I suppose but I don't need my Android phone to connect to my embroidery software.

I now dread any new announcement of a new version of Windows coming out since it only causes problems for my existing programs.

Alma G, have you decided on a new computer?


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almag by almag 20 Jun 2012

Windows 7 has proven itself by now and has been recommended by several top IT people.
We've seen computer that will serve the purpose but no decision has been made yet. Alma.

by cfidl 20 Jun 2012

Thank you for the quesiton and answers. I did recently get a machine with windows 7. Now I will not bother loading 3D. Live Laugh Download Stitch!

1 comment
almag by almag 20 Jun 2012

Do you have 3D on another computer?

by oigelcox 19 Jun 2012

I think you can get a DELL computer that still has XP by request. I have all of my machine info on XP. Hugs Joyce

rescuer by rescuer 19 Jun 2012

Any machine can be special ordered with XP as the license for Windows 7 covers all the previous versions. However, XP no longer is "supported" and so no automatic updates are available for it.

awesome1 by awesome1 20 Jun 2012

I have XP on my 4, and updates still come--had 9 last night and tho't I'd be at the computers forever! Microsoft has threatened, but not totally abandoned us yet--XP has been the most popular OS yet.

rescuer by rescuer 20 Jun 2012

Good to know. I was informed via my partnership that support had been discontinued on XP and the auto updates would follow. They have apparently extended the updates until August of 2014.

almag by almag 20 Jun 2012

You're right about support being discontinued on XP. Both my SIL and the local technician have confirmed this, too. Pity, XP is working brilliantly with my embroidery program - reliable and user-friendly. Alma.

by shirley124 19 Jun 2012

Great information. Must remember it for when I ever have to buy a new computer. Shirley

by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thankyou, Everyone!! Of course!!!! A Virtual Windows Environment!!!

When I visited AZ eighteen months ago my DSIL installed Virtue Windows on the little old laptop he set up for me to use for my daily fix. That little machine had an African (started with U...something and wonderful African music) program installed instead of Windows. I wanted to use Windows because I was used to it. The Virtual Environment worked well, too, and I installed my 3D program with ease. After three months visiting DD, DGD and DSIL I came home with another 2000 embroidery files and didn't miss a beat with my daily designs. Miles, bless him (he's gorgeous), probably thought it was installing time well-spent to have a happy MIL each morning.
If (and I do sincerely hope that I don't) have any problems with the new computer I'll go along that Virtual Path.
Also we'll be buying the new computer at the very reputable local Green Triangle Electronics business where local and personal attention and help for EP's (Elderly Population) is uppermost and where local 'word-of-mouth' happiness sells top-quality goods.

rescuer by rescuer 19 Jun 2012

Remember to tell them you need USB active and supported in the Virtual Windows. You should not have to pay extra as VM is a download included in the price of Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate. I am glad you have good help.

almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thank you, again. One thing that I find is that, having lived in a non-cyber world for a long time, the language of the new cyber-world stumps me a bit.

almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

I know what I'm talking about and I generally understand what I'm trying to say but the technical language can be a barrier.

almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

If I do have to go the way of Virtual Windows I'll remember the 'USB active and supported' phrase.

almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

I'm not anticipating any problems with this business, though, and they know that as previous business-owners ourselves we won't be fobbed off until we're satisfied.

by clawton 19 Jun 2012

I use Windows 7 professional and did not have a problem with 4D. However, I don't loaded the update version in order which had a fix for the windows7. I don't remember them having a fix for 3D! I upgraded to 5D and have not had a problem either. I would check with a dealer.

clawton by clawton 19 Jun 2012

"don't" should not be in that sentence. Don't know what I was thinking. I need that edit feature that we use to have!

clawton by clawton 19 Jun 2012

I'm referring to the second sentence!!!

almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thank you. I don't think there was a fix for 3D. I'm pretty sure that when Windows 7 began the 3D program had been superseded by 4D and 3D was left hanging. I will certainly contact my dealer in Adelaide for his advice.

by marcellelewis 19 Jun 2012

A friend bought a new computer with Windows 7 and her 4D would not run on it. Even the dealer could not get it to work properly. She had to upgrade to 5D.


almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thank you. This is the kind of story I remember being discussed before - hence my queries.
Having to upgrade to 5D is fine if a person has the money to do it, but with the cost of the original program I think Husqvarna should honour their customers' outlay without forcing an upgrade. That 'business' mind-set has lost Husqvarna a customer in me.
Thank you, too, for the link which I'm about to look at right now.

marcellelewis by marcellelewis 20 Jun 2012

Good thing you asked first. My friend didn't and gave away her old computer before finding out 4D would not work on the new one. She was stuck and had to upgrade to 5D. Expensive to upgrade!! Marcelle

marcellelewis by marcellelewis 20 Jun 2012

I have a lot of other software that won't run on Win 7 so I keep my XP computer for those too. I don't like Win 7 but I do use it for my commercial machine. Heard Win 8 will be out soon. I dread it. Marcelle

by rescuer Moderator 19 Jun 2012

Get Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate only. Have them install (for free as part of the "set up") XP Virtual Machine. Make them show you how to use it and load things on it. Then load your embroidery software and install your embroidery machine IN the XP Virtual Machine. You MUST provide drivers within the XP Virtual Machine for USB ports and -- really -- anything you can touch (ie. mouse, keyboard, monitor, CD DVD and other drives) needs the correct driver to run.
If you are buying froma reputable company, they should be willing to help you make it work for your needs.
Good Luck!
PM me if I have confused you beyond reason...

zoefzoef by zoefzoef 19 Jun 2012

I have to agree with rescuer. We sometimes solve issues like these with a Virtual enviroment., but make sure USB support is activated else you can not connect you pc with your sewingmachinge

almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thank you. That's all good advice and I'll take heed. I'll make sure that the new computer will handle my 3D program before I take it from the shop. I'm certain that the techos will help me out. As well as astute businessmen they are also helpful and understanding, especially with elderly people.
Thank you, too, for that offer of help. I really appreciate it.

by mops Moderator 19 Jun 2012

Only thing I can advise you is to use Smart Update of 3D (you'll find it in 3D configure) or go to the website to Frequently Asked Questions and see if you can find anything there.
I've only seen a patch for Vista for 3D, maybe there's more.

1 comment
almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thank you. Smart Update for 3D stopped a long time ago soon after 4D was launched. I even missed out on the drawing module by a short time and couldn't get that, either. I will, however, do some research in FAQ.

by seamssewcreative 19 Jun 2012

I would talk to your sewing machine dealer about your software. I, too, have (Pfaff) 3D and I understand that 4D and 5D will run on the newer Windows but not the 3D. I could have misunderstood; however, I still use my 3D as much as I can. It will be awhile before I step up to one of the newer versions. Let us know what your dealer's advice is to you.

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almag by almag 19 Jun 2012

Thank you. I won't be upgrading to 5D. The 3D cost more than enough and then has been completely dropped by the parent company.
3D has all I want and need and if it dies I'll probably go for Embird on the advice of some great digitisers here.