by almag 20 Jun 2012

I'm needing more Windows 7 and new computer information, please.

For those people who are using Windows 7 and 3D Embroidery program..... did you install the 64 bit version or 32 bit version.
I've been advised to install the 64 bit version but somewhere in my memory I think this was discussed a long time ago and I'm thinking that the 32 bit version is what was needed for 3D. By now I think people would have had a chance to find out if 3D works with one or both versions.
As always any information is gratefully received.


by almag 22 Jun 2012

Thank you to everyone who has contributed information for me.
My SIL in AZ advised me to make sure I had the 64 bit version installed - he's my Computer Person in America.... .....
but even with his expertise I needed to know from people who actually use the 3D embroidery program with Windows 7.
Your input has been invaluable and has given me confidence to go ahead now and make an informed decision about my future new computer.

by meganne 22 Jun 2012

If you purchase any Windows OS it is always wise to pay the extra for the Professional version rather than the Home version. It may not be immediately apparent but it has different features for using other software, including the ability to emulate XP so you can still run your older program versions.
Others have answered your original question and have advised you well.
Hugs n roses, Meganne

1 comment
almag by almag 22 Jun 2012

Thanks, Meganne, for that extra information. I like to use the Professional version. I didn't know about emulating XP - that's important.

by justonlyme 21 Jun 2012

Your computer will be happier and more stable if you install the 64 bit version of anything. Unless you have an emulator, and then you can run older stuff. Good luck.

1 comment
almag by almag 22 Jun 2012

Thank you. My SIL advised me to make sure I had 64 bit installed.

by almag 21 Jun 2012

Like everyone is saying... ask a question, get an answer!!!

Thank you Kitty, Rescuer and Noah for your very valuable input. It's as I thought.... 3D does need 32 bit to work as well as it can. I know that 3D is old now but it does all I want it to, especially in view of the price of upgrading to 5D. I've pretty much decided to go the way of Embird if or when the dongle dies but until then I stay with my tried and true old friend.

by kitty2011 20 Jun 2012

I don't have your software, but I do have windows7 premium.

To my knowledge it all depends if you're running PC or mac.

I have PC and the computer shop installed 32bit for my machine.

hugs kitty

1 comment
almag by almag 21 Jun 2012

Thank you for your input, too. I'll have a PC and it seems that I'll be needing 32 bit installed for sure.

by rescuer Moderator 20 Jun 2012

I don't have your program. I can tell you that the 64 bit is "more stable" but the 32 bit works with more stuff. If you take their advice and order 64 bit they can re-load it with 32 bit. It will just take time. Make sure they will re-load it for free if needed.

almag by almag 21 Jun 2012

Thank you for your advice. Time I have a-plenty but knowledge of 'new stuff' is quite scarce. I won't be taking the computer home until I am satisfied it will suit my needs. I'll even put on my Business Face to get what I want.

rescuer by rescuer 21 Jun 2012

I am sure you will get a good computer. Just mention you are friends with more than 20,000 Cuties online. Tell them we are ALL waiting to hear of your experience. That will make sure it is done right.

by noah 20 Jun 2012

32 bites and i have windows 7 and 3d,5d to hugs carolyn

1 comment
almag by almag 21 Jun 2012

Thank you for that info, Carolyn.
We really need to have all the knowledge we can get at our fingertips.