by hightechgrammy 30 Jun 2012

Look at the difference. This is what Grand Lake usually looks like, and then there is a photo of what it looked like today. Please pray for all these families who have lost their homes, or have had to leave their homes, and for the safety of all the fire fighters. We don't have any fires close, but our sky is filled with smoke. We had a few sprinkles of rain both yesterday and today - the whole state is just a tinderbox. Thank You all for your prayers and concerns. Jan


by hightechgrammy 30 Jun 2012

Thank you all for your concerns for our Colorado people, and support for us. It is basically no difference today. Soooo smoky, windy and dry. Keep safe everyone - there are fires in lots of places all over the country. I think there have been more than 500 homes burned now in the two biggest fires. Hugs and prayers for all the others, Jan

by drro 30 Jun 2012

Dear Jan, you are in my prayers, and so too are all the inhabitants of your state! May God keep all persons safe and free from harm...especially you and your family my friend! hugs, ro

by sarahrose 30 Jun 2012

My prayers go out to all.

by bumblebee 30 Jun 2012

WOW What a gorgeous view. Now the smokey pic looks like Los Angeles smog or when fires are ripping accross our greenbelts. It is heartbreaking to see the devastation. So far we have had decent weather and several attempts of fires around our greenbelts but so far they have been quelched. However, its only the beginning of Summer so we may still have a
bad fire season but hopefully not.
Linda aka Bumblebee

by oigelcox 30 Jun 2012

Prayers and hugs to all . Please keep safe. Hugs Joyce

by anangel 30 Jun 2012

Quite a contrast, Jan! Everything here in Georgia is so dry, it would not take but a spark to set all into a raging fire. 108 degrees today! Almost too hot to stay outside long, and the drought we are already in is just worsened by the intense heat. My prayers for those who have lost their homes in Colorado, and also for the safety of those fighting the blazes.

by lidiad 30 Jun 2012

Prayers and hugs to all affected people.

by edithfarminer 30 Jun 2012

What a fabulous spot. Love the mountains and lakes.
Follow it all on the news and hope and pray that the fires will soon be under control. One thing I can say is that we had fires very very close to our home in spain. We were not there at the time but it looked total devastation when we returned. Amazing what nature does though in a few years lots of it will nearly be back to normal. Lots of pine trees were destroyed but lots of new ones growing thank goodness.The worst is the poor people who have lost their homes, must be devastating to loose all.

by grandmamek 30 Jun 2012

I have been reading every day about the fires. It is a tragic situation. I pray that relief will come in the form of rain. Stay safe. Our hearts, and thoughts are with you and all the people who live in Colorado. Hugs, Mary

by cfidl 30 Jun 2012

There is a lot of smoke in those hills! C Springs, Ft Collins. Is is not a good situation here at all. Thank you for your prayers, I hope all the Colorado Cuties check in with their buddies, and let us know you are OK!

by toogie 30 Jun 2012

Oh Jan, I do feel for the people.If you live here it is a beautiful place,normally. I know that everything will smell the smoke,too.My son fights fires,so it is good to remember them too, in prayer.It has been so dry this year, we all have to be careful of fires.Hope and pray for rain to wash everything and clear the skies.Hugs-Toogie