Miss Minnie would NEVER do this to me. How are you Minnie? Been a couple of days, have been praying to catch up with you.
tucked in safe and warm until 5.55am tomorrow morning. Blanking out in front of the tv for now, then off to bed.
thanks ladies my hubbie fixed it in 2 seconds flat he bent the needle poker thing great when you can see
I have a Brother 190D and a Designer I. Both had had the needle threader off one time or another, and I just did what lbrow did, adjusted the tiny metal wire with my fingernail till it slid through the eye of the needle again. Works for me.
I know with my MC 10001 that the tolerances were so very tight on the needle threader that I would not dare touch it myself if it was out of whack.... and I have a technical background! lol I would suggest taking it into the shop. Ask first how much they will charge but I doubt that it will be very much as I assume they have an alignment jig for making adjustments... Good Luck!
minnie what kind if machine do you have? I have an ellegante & once I did the same thing, the little wire that snags my thread & pulls it through the eye was a little off I put through motion very slowly so I could see this then got the wire back where it should b with just my fingernail. It can b so frustrating when the threader gets out of whack
mc11000 I can't thread a needle
so it is so frustrating the cotton hust slides up the needle
I have moved something but can't work out how it goes
I'm sure you have rethreaded the top and the bobbin. Is your needle at the highest . Check your manuel for troubleshooting. Hope you can fix it. A flower for you.
minnie, check and make sure that you have put the bobbin casing back correctly - if it is slightly off - it will not work right. *4U
it is the thing that comes down to thread the needle that is out I fixed the bobbin I just got a friend to thread it so lets hope I can tie a knot and pull it through to change colours