You got good info, I'll just give you a big Cute welcome! Hugs, Marji is a good source of embroidery 'stuff'. They have a big sale yearly which are well worth keeping a eye out for. I post here usually. I am still working my way through a huge roll that I got there almost two years ago. At the moment I have a piece of fabric that I got in a pound shop that is ground covering. (A friend uses this all the time with great success). I think we all have our different first choice of stabiliser.
well I was going to send you exactly where Michelle sent you. Best info I know is there for what stabilizer to use with what fabric/Lillian
Hi and welcome to CUTE. Yes there are many kinds of stablizers for different fabrics. Check out this link below from Embroidery Library. Tell give you all the different fabrics and which stablizers to use on each as well as many sewing tips. If you tell us where you live it might be helpful in directing you to a supplier depending on your country.
hope this helps
Michelle in Canada
Exactly where I was fixing to send her Michelle. Masie you'll find out all stabilizers at this link Michelle has so graciously given you/Lillian
Some use different for different projects, however I use one that sticks onto the back of the material for everything and would not do without it.
I am also in the UK at the moment, buy the sticky Stabiliser from Barnyarns(Google them and you will also see them on line).
By mail order. Tel: 0870 870 8586.
Very helpful. They sell lots of things for your embroidery, ask for a catalogue too.