you can download the trueseizer by wilcom it is freebies can almost change the all format.
any format to your required format.trueseizer is the best software i have used to convert the file
I'm not sure where you're going to get designs, but usually the zip files have all the embroidery formats in them when you unzip them, same for the rar. Those are compressed formats to make downloading quicker, so you have to open them before you can see your machine format. Also, if you download the jpg or an adobe file that is a photo or color chart, you'll have to open those with the proper program to see them, your machine won't recognize those files, neither will your software. I hope this helps, if not perhaps if you'd give an example of where you got the files, maybe someone could help you. Hugs, Marji
i do not understand what format are you saying, i know some in RAR file you need 7zip to open those files, hope that is what you are asking.....?