by smallwunderz 10 Jul 2012

Hi Cuties. I have seen posts about Secret Sisters and other Cuties receiving packages from them. Could someone explain what all this is? Sounds fun.

Lois W.


by dollygk 11 Jul 2012

I would LOVE to join in with the secret sister exchange BUT living in Saudi Arabia the mail system needs much to be desired. Packages get 'lost' going and coming and items are even missing most of the time..... ho hum

dollygk by dollygk 11 Jul 2012

In fact, my daughter sent me a gift of an iPad and it was missing!!!

greysewist by greysewist 11 Jul 2012

That's very disappointing for you, Dolly.
I'll send you a PM shortly.

by greysewist Moderator 10 Jul 2012

I've sent you a PM (personal message) as well. Look for it under Community, the 'Private' tab at the top, far right. Welcome to Cute, if I hadn't already welcomed you.

by castelyn 10 Jul 2012

See you have been given the answers - will just leave 88$all hugs Yvonne

by michemb 10 Jul 2012

secrets Sisters are a group of cuties who signed up to exchange gifts at different times of the year. Sue Dewsbury looks after this and if you want to sign up I think you can send her a private message (see tab above) asking that she add you to her list, it may not be to late for xmas. Sue organizes the cuties listed and matches them to other cuties, gives us our secret sister, clues are given so we can get ideas of what our secret sister would like and then gifts are exchanged through the postal service. This carries on all over the world. Very much fun to participate. hope this helps, check the link below

1 comment
smallwunderz by smallwunderz 10 Jul 2012

yea ! this sounds like fun. I will send a private message to sue to see if there is still time to sign up for christmas. Thanks for your quick response.
Lois W.

by zoefzoef 10 Jul 2012

In the beginning of the year suedewsbury asks who wants to join the Secret Sisters list. If you join you need to give your birthday. Afterwards you get a birthday and adress from an other person. You need to sew a birthday gift for her/him and send it -do not mention your name). When it is your birthday you will receive a gift from a secret person (secret sister) too. Same sistem exists for Xmas.

1 comment
smallwunderz by smallwunderz 10 Jul 2012

am going to send a private message to sue to see if I am still in time for christmas fun. Thank you for quickly responding.
Lois W.