Thanks to everyone who helped me by answering this question. I reall received great helpful info. Stella
What the others have said is probably the easiest. You can add New colors in 4D Configure/Thread Manager by clicking the "add new" button in the lower right hand corner of the screen and put in the name "Metro" and the number but the time consuming part is that you have to mathc up the color on the screen. I have done that in a few instances but never for a more than one or two threads. Even though that will add your thread to the "MyThreadsDatabase, --
it will not add the brand name as a separate brand into the Standard Thread Database area
I agree with jofrog, buy one of their charts and just match the thread that is closest to the color on your screen.
I patiently waited until they restocked their thread charts-with actual thread-because what I saw on the computer screen differed from the actual colors. I love it! I have one from my Arc thread (no longer sold) and it makes it so easy to decide what to use. If you like the Metro, that might be something you buy.
See you have been given your Answer, will just leave a ***4 all - hugs Yvonne
Good to see another Cutie to the rescue! I also use the Metro Thread conversion program...
Oh, ok, here's the link to the free software at Metro. M
I really do appreciate you giving me the link. I didn't know to check the site. Thanks so much for your help!
No problem, that's why we're here! Have a good time with your new thread. M
There is a thread exchange program you can download free from Metro, I'm loading all my Metro threads into it. But usually, I kinda go by eye anyway, unless it's a really complicated design with lots of shading. It's on the Metro site somewhere, if you can't find it let me know, I'll go searching, but I think it's pretty well marked, don't hesitate to download, no viruses and easy to use. Hugs, Marji