Thank you Marji, I read it all and found it also informative. You are right to point this out to us all and I applaud you as an appointed moderator to show us what we might not have read and understood when joining.Let us hope that we can now continue enjoying the site and help we give to each other be it embroidery related matter or emotional help etc in the personal column.
I would like to say thank you to Marji. I found the enclosed very informative. Perhaps our two copyright Queens should sort their differences out with a PM to each other. Sarah.
"Copyright does not protect ideas, information, styles or techniques."
Because the Copyright Regulation on any website is classed as information, it is not covered by Copyright Law.
Now, those that want to pick on the newly appointed moderators, CUT IT OUT AND LET THEM DO THEIR JOB!
Thank you for posting the copyright information. I don't think I could be paid enough money to take the job they are doing for free.
Sciencewidow, please reads what I have written, again.
I DID NOT say that websites are not protected. I said information is NOT protected.
Here is the link
Nothing should of been said about moderators until it was actually a done deal.
I think the new site Moderators are trying to educate all of us on the things we should already know.
I also think (but I do not know for sure) that Ms. Veronika would have given permission to a site Moderator to post this.
I am looking forward to the site changes and I hope they bring with them peace.
I just re-read my post and decided I want the edit button back...I was trying to say positive things. My first sentence looks mean and it was not meant that way at all.
Oh Dear! IS it still going on after all this time has passed? Or did I miss something again? And if so thank goodness!! I like the possitive informative information and commaradory this site has had in the past and I hope is getting back to!
Just some answers to some posts I'm trying to clarify, Diane, thought it easier to do it this way for everybody, not trying to stir up a hornets nest yet again.
I didn't think it was you that was stiring up trouble, lol. I was wondering what happened now?!?! Its been 3 weeks and it just surprises me how many ARE willing to keep it going. I found at least one that explains why you posted this.
I just hope it will FINALLY be put to rest.
Thank you. I had not read it before but it all makes sense and is logical to me. Thank you for bringing this up. It's like the "Kindergarten rules". Be nice etc.