by biddysews 20 Jul 2012

For those sufferinf heat.pattern for neck cooler. In Australia i have seen these at the markets in summer easy to make and the last price i seen them for was $9 larger and $7.50 smaller for kids etc.They work and last a long time great for out door activities


by maltamade 21 Jul 2012

This site has lots of really great ideas - many thanks

by 1sewnsew 20 Jul 2012

thanks we sure need these.

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

if your summer is any indercation of what is to come here i am dreding it already

by leenova54 20 Jul 2012

Last week I made 2 of them for me and one for hubby then found them at the Dollar Tree plus an on line deal of the day site @ 2 for FREE $2.99 shipping! Then it cooled off, chilly here, a little rain we needed too but the temps will go back up and I will be taking them on vacation if that happens!

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

isn't that the way.try freezing spares while traverling you can chane over if youare not flying.

by nama2 20 Jul 2012

Been meaning to make these!!! Thanks for the site-LOTS of great projects....Now to find the time!

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

i know what you a good site though

by april22 20 Jul 2012

Thank you very much,Whe stil waiting for the summer here in the Netherlands, but i make one.***

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

summers are getting hotter everywhere.

by janetedna 20 Jul 2012

Still waiting for summer here in the UK but I think I'll make one to take when we go abroad. Thanks, Jan

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

it's winter here in Aus but when summer comrs iwill be ready

by blueeyedblonde 20 Jul 2012

I had seen one a long time ago and told they worked great, but have never seen anything more about them and had forgotten about them - so many thanks - will have to see if I can run up a few. My hubby would love it for when he is bowling and it gets too hot.

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

if he's out for a lng tine take a spare frozen in cooler box

by tilde01 20 Jul 2012

Thanks, these will come in handy around here.

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

i like winter better than summer as it is easier to keep warm than it is to keep cool

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Jul 2012

They are wonderful. Having moved to a very hot area I do love the cooling affect they have. Ha, ha my daughter made them one year and a male friend thought it was the silliest looking tie. That is why instructions need to be added how to use them.

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

when your hot your hot stylr dont come into it just tie a noy as quick as you can.

by shirlener88 20 Jul 2012

Thanks for sharing the info and link.

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

lots of other thing to make there as well

by catsnhorses 20 Jul 2012

Thanks so much for the link. I walk several times a week and right now it's really hot and humid here in Kentucky. I'm going to make a couple this weekend to share with my walking friends.

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biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

if you walk a pet they would enjoy as well

by sewemb 20 Jul 2012

Thank You

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

your welcome. enjoy

by stellapta 20 Jul 2012

Thank you, will make some as soon as summer's here!

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

great for pets as well

by scrappinhappie 20 Jul 2012

Thank you for this link, we use these at work

1 comment
biddysews by biddysews 21 Jul 2012

i have frozen then overnight to take to work