Sorry it took me so long to reply. I couldn't find my post. Thanks for the help. Flowers for all!
I am so glad you asked this. I was going to see what I could find, and here it is:>) Thanks!!
I, also use 7zip after it was recommended by a Cutie here a long time ago. Free, very easy to use. There is no reason to skip over rar files or files other than we use in our machines, because there are programs to help out there! Google will find you anything.
I just discovered that with 7zip I can unzip multiple zips at once! Super
I think you got the answers to unzipped rar files. Hugs Marie
you can use many extractor software to extract the same like winrar, 7 zip and so on....You will get the link for the same from below post.
Note:always try to download the designs that are available in the zip format, because .zip format is supported by all computer where as you require rar extractor to extract rar file.
I use WINRAR softwarefor .zip and .rar files.Because it support other format too.unfortunately WINRAR is not free version.
This is the one I use to unzip all my files. Good luck
Somebody's going to come along and tell you, I'm sure. It's like a zip file, but you need a different program to unzip it. I'm pretty sure it's a free program, WinRar maybe? but somebody who has it will come along and tell you. Until then, here's some flowers for you. Hugs, Marji
You'll need to 'extract' the file (just as you do a zip)
Hope this works for you.
hugs kitty
I have the same problem. I just quit trying to download any in RAR file. I sure have missed alot of cute designs!