by cowgirl4ever 30 Jul 2012

I recently decided to buy some more finger puppet designs and things from but his site is gone. Does anyone know what happened?


by mrskiki 01 Sep 2013

He has a yahoo group and I was able to access it and the free designs. Site still unavailable. Hugs. Nan

1 comment
cowgirl4ever by cowgirl4ever 25 May 2014

Thanks Nan I can still get to the yahoo group and have tried to email him a few times no luck. I hope that nothing has happened to him.

by cowgirl4ever 01 Sep 2013

Well it seems that Shawns Embroidery Design has fallen off the face of the earth. I hope that he and his family are well and that, that was not the cause of his site closing. I have tried back goodness knows how many times because I desperately wanted more of his finger puppets. I now have a 1 1/2 year old and a 2 month old that I would love to have made the puppets for.

by justonlyme 30 Jul 2012

Wait till the first of the month and see if perhaps they may have exceeded their bandwidth or something. Usually there is some sort of warning before a site disappears. Good luck!

oigelcox by oigelcox 30 Jul 2012

This happened to Tavernmakers a few month back they had used their limit for the month and we had to wait until their next months internet allowence came through. Hugs Joyce

cowgirl4ever by cowgirl4ever 30 Jul 2012

Thanks I will be sure to check in a few days. I hope that it is not gone as I have made a few of the ones that they had as well as the ones that the cuties have posted and my 4 month old just loves them. Who knew that a simple finger puppet would bring so much fun. I love that they are portable and if we loose one I can make another. I have seen other people loose their kids favorite toy by accident and then not be able to replace it and their kids are so heart broken.
Thanks Heather