I guess I missed the story on this , but I hope all ends up well. Lillian , let me know if i can help in any way. Kay
Take it easy my friend, hope you found your credit card. Be careful and traveling prayers for your and Ron. Sorry I just got on here tonight.
You made a great effort - that is a lot of miles. I will keep you in our prayers.
Hope you and hubby get lots of good rest tonight. Will pray you all the way in. Plus will keep voting. ;)
Thank you so much Jerrilyn. Horrible weather today, poured down rain through Ky, and on into Indianapolis, Ind. before I got out of it. In coldwater, Mi tonight. Tomorrow hopefull we will arrive at our destination with no more mishaps. Lost my credit Card for a while today but God is so good to me. It's found now and all is well. Love/Lillian
Wowwwwwwww are you haeding to Canada ??
Drive and sing at the top of your lungs all the songs you know ,lol times passes when your happy and singing makes me happy lol big hugs and may God ride with you hugs carolyn
Almost Carolyn right up to the border but we'll not go in this time. Passports have not been renewed and have expired.No problem going into Canada but difficult reentering USA without passport/Lillian
Long drive by yourself, take your time to rest between the long miles ahead, drive safe.