by blueeyedblonde 05 Aug 2012

I'm getting behind with everything here as I'm having computer issues. Good thing I don't just have a desktop! I have an ext. hard drive that i'd had connected to the desktop and it backed up every two hours (thank goodness). But, when trying to transfer/restore to the laptop with windows 7 it keeps telling me that there's not enough room - it has more memory than the rest! Hooked it up to my old laptop which is the same OS as the desktop and it is in process of transferring - no problem! Now I'll have to see if it had everything backed up! &(*&*^&^&%^ computers????


by 02kar Moderator 06 Aug 2012

So sorry to know I am not alone. Love computers as long as they do what I want or need.

by oigelcox 06 Aug 2012

I know just how you feel . I just bought a Ext hard drive to back up my Desk top computer I have been having trouble all weekend. I have had it running all the time it gets to a certain point after about 10 hours then it freezes it has 10 times the capacity than my desk top so I just disconected it and through it into a box never to be seen again. (*&*&*&*& Computers. Joyce

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Aug 2012

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.