I agree, I recently noticed on Desinsbysick an offer to purchase the entire site for two years back to members on a cd. Sure beats downloading for days. I think it was $29 or $39. well worth the price.
I recently got the a membership to Cute and also don't like the download method. Takes to long to download one design at a time.
I believe the reason that there is NOT one-click button for alphabet is because they are given out as free daily and that would defeat the purpose of the marketing aspect of having you visit the site daily and seeing what else is offered here.. Just my humble opinion.;)
I love the designs here but realise now that I am a member that they take forever to download because there are so many clicks to do. It would make our life much easier. My second request is similar to. Would it be possible to make the downloading of all individual design less time consuming? Decrease the number of click to get them? One suggestion would be to add our preferred file format in our account so that we don't have to select the embroidery format each time we download a desing. Any other suggestion from other Cuties?
I, too, find it burdensome to spend the lengthy time required for downloading one design at a time. It is definitely not customer friendly for this. I love the site and have a membership, but probably won't renew because of the time involved to obtain the designs.