by debswebster 06 Sep 2012

Help needed!! Calling all sewers. I have to make 14 animal costumes in 2 weeks. I can make the body section using some animal specific fabrics for some etc, but my problem is constructing the headgear to portray the animal. Does anyone know of a site where there may be tips for this. I need: Lion, Rhino, Meerkat, Leapard, Crocodile, Ant, Hyena, Giraffe, Ostrich, Vulture, Owl etc. They do not need to be 100% authentic but must "suggest" the type of creature portrayed. There is not much time and my magic wand has run out of power...Thank you for any assistance.


by gerryvb 06 Sep 2012

or here?

by gerryvb 06 Sep 2012

perhaps you can find some ideas on one of those sites?

1 comment
debswebster by debswebster 06 Sep 2012

Thank you - got a few tips here. Now onto the cutting table go I. Hugs