by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

Well girls, I followed Meganne though not as bad! I caught my slipper on the edge of the living room rug in a rush to catch the phone and ended up face down on the floor! Rug burn through jeans on one knee, a nice bruise on the other, hurt my elbow, hit my head on the floor (BIG ouch!!), bent up my favorite glasses and rug burn on the side of my face above and below the eye where my glasses weren't! Thank God I didn't shatter my hips or ribs in the fall cause that is a real chance I take if I fall. Hubby was outside finishing the trash and heard a thud as I hit the floor but didn't hear me yell out in pain but was concerned when he came in and I told him I fell. My Mom was on the phone and blamed herself for calling at that moment! She cried cause of it but I told her that it wasn't her fault, she didn't know I wasn't sitting in my chair by the phone at that moment or that I was rushing to catch the phone instead of letting it ring like I should have. I will be sore tomorrow and have to go get my glasses fixed and get hubby new ones too. His were scratched but then turned up missing a few days ago. Life! NOBODY else fall!!!!!!!!!


by pldc 17 Sep 2012

wow I am sew glad that it wasn't worse Debra! I guess this is one way of getting us to SLOW DOWN! but were a stubborn bunch thats for sure! Take it slower & take care Hugs Loralye

1 comment
leenova54 by leenova54 20 Sep 2012

I guess so, I don't think of myself as old but I guess I am older!

by katydid 16 Sep 2012

Oh ! sweetie! so sorry. Glad nothing is broken other than the glasses. For this very reason, I am trying to stop going bare foot in the house. A few monts back I fell when i caught my big toe in a plastic bag that I had purchased fabric in and carelessly set it on the floor where I cut my things out .If i had my shoes on this would have never happened. Hope you were wearing shoes. Kay

leenova54 by leenova54 17 Sep 2012

My fall was caused by the slippers I was wearing, they went directly into the trash! I am feeling OK now.

pldc by pldc 17 Sep 2012

yikes not you too Kay! I am glad that you are feeling better too! I have a pr of summer crocs that are just for inside & I wear them all the time! Hugs Loralye

pldc by pldc 17 Sep 2012

but I'm also sure I have done this a time ot 2 As well!

by holly12 16 Sep 2012

Hope you are feeling better. STOP the running, nothing is that important esp. as we get older. Rather miss something then it be the last thing we do. You are in my prayers & please be careful. Arlene

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leenova54 by leenova54 17 Sep 2012

Doing better from the fall, bruises are there but they don't hurt. Thanks for caring!

by ansalu 15 Sep 2012

Oh sweetie just read this today. Do you know this wonderful little box called answering machine? Anna is sometimes running up the stairs like crazy with the ringing phone in her hand and I just look at her and tell her that I'm not on the run and they can leave a message if it is important. If I'm in the smallest room of the house I would never go on the phone! Poor mum that she was life with you during your accident after her heartproblems. Hope she stayed calm.
Like Sarah wrote: You ladies must take more water with your drinks!!!! :o)
Hope John is spoiling you and push you back in your chair whenever the phone rings!
Hugs to you my dear and a quick recovery
PS: Something to give you a laugh (I love the LEO-dictionairy; always find funny quotes):
"Dear Sir, I am in the smallest room of the house and your letter is before me. Very soon it will be behind me." Copyright © Gary Martin, 1996 - 2007. *lol*

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leenova54 by leenova54 15 Sep 2012

Cute joke. John is not taking care of me, not taking care of himself either but my leg is just killing me, think it is sciatica and I am going to try and get acupuncture on Monday for it. Other than that I am OK, for now! LOL! My Mom is doing great, no problems left over from the mini stroke. Thanks sweetie. I won't run for the phone again!

by juanitadenney 15 Sep 2012

Have my fingers crossed that I don't and hope that you will be O.K.

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leenova54 by leenova54 15 Sep 2012

Nobody else please! Almost fell again carrying too many groceries!

by lenamae 13 Sep 2012

I am sorry hope you get well sone I fell in the bath tub one time and could not get any one to help me took me a long time to get up .when I came out of the bath room I slaped my husband he was on the sofa richr by the door.

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

Oh, he deserved that smack! My hubby didn't hear me and I didn't call for him, just yelled ouch loud but he was outside so he gets off on that one.

by hightechgrammy 13 Sep 2012

Now, ladies, aren't we a bit too old for Rug Rash? Be careful and don't let that phone, or the doorbell control you. Hope you feel better soon!
Falls can be dangerous!

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

Rug burn hurts even when you are past 50, now I feel bad for kids, lol!

by draco 13 Sep 2012

Praying for you to have a speedy recovery.

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

Doing better,

by meganne 13 Sep 2012

OH DEBRA, you should know I'm not a good role model to follow! I guess, since we are both sore and sorry now we should have that drink to ease our aches and pains.
Definitely a Scotch & Pepsi for me.
I do hope you heal quickly and well dear friend. hugs n love, Meg

leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

I'll have a whiskey sour please, lol! Not feeling too bad here, hope you are feeling better!

meganne by meganne 15 Sep 2012

The bruises are just starting to show now, 4 full days later. They start at my left hip, down the outside of my thigh, all around my left kneecap and right down the shin of my left leg. Also around the right kneecap and along the top of both feet. I never do a job by halves. LOL!!!

meganne by meganne 15 Sep 2012

do a job by halves. LOL!!!!

leenova54 by leenova54 15 Sep 2012

Oh Meg, that sounds awful, we really must learn to act our age. Going to look into acupuncture on Monday!

by almag 12 Sep 2012

I'd be crying, too, if my daughter came a cropper, trying to reach the phone in a hurry.
I do hope that you are otherwise OK>

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

I told my Mom she had no way of knowing I would fall trying to get to the phone, it wasn't her fault. I am good today, some extra bruises that aren't that bad. I thank everyone for caring!

by capoodle 12 Sep 2012

Rug burns are so uncomfortable. My mom tripped on her rug and the next day we were told to remove it. Many years ago I was crouched down when the phone rang and when I come up heard the bones break in my foot. Cast up to my knee and haven't ran for the phone since. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

Now that is an ouch! I have a friend that keeps breaking bones, even walking will do it to her! I am OK. Cost $15 for new frames for my glasses cause I had a protection plan, thankfully, I love these blue frames!

by sdrise 12 Sep 2012

Ouchie indeed... My dad did that ..He looked aweful with the rug burn on his face. Do take care.. Suzanne

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

Mine doesn't look bad at all but is sore.

by asterixsew Moderator 12 Sep 2012

Debra do take care.

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

I'll try!

by oaro 12 Sep 2012

I hope you feel better

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leenova54 by leenova54 13 Sep 2012

I do, a bit.

by clawton 12 Sep 2012

Hope all is well. Take a nice hot bath and soak all of the bones and sore places.

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

I am good, one real big bruise on my wrist and one on my knee so not too bad.

by jrob Moderator 12 Sep 2012

Oh, dear. I'm glad that everything is manageable - no broken bones or such. It's a bit of a metaphor isn't it? Life is about falling down and getting back up again. Hugs to you! ;)

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

No broken bones and my glasses got new frames exactly like the ones I had cause I love those frames, only cost $15 cause I bought a year replacement fee and am glad I did! And yes, it is a good metaphor!

by shirley124 12 Sep 2012

Watch out all Cuties. You know things always happen in three's. Please be careful. Hugs, Shirley

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

I know that, please, everyone be careful, don't want to see another cutie take a spill. Big bruise on my wrist and didn't even know I hit that area.

by lidiad 12 Sep 2012

Take care of yourself, you don't need more pain. Remember to let the phone ring until you are ready to pick it up. They will call again if you are unable to answer the phone. Best wishes for a prompt recovery!

Hugs, Lidia

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

I know, I really must slow down.

by sadp 12 Sep 2012

Ouch, a fall is never easy, next time let the phone ring. They will phone again if they really want you, hope you feel better, hugs S*

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

I know, bad habit, won't happen again!

by 02kar Moderator 12 Sep 2012

On my , many big ouches for you. Rest, heal and we know you will be more careful next time.

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

I will, must slow down and leave the phone alone!

by grandmamek 12 Sep 2012

Hope you are feeling better. It is so easy to lose the balance and fall. Take care. Hugs, Mary

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

Yes it is, especially when you have bad everything from the cancer, bones break easier and I don't want that, thank God I am OK!

by airyfairy 12 Sep 2012

OUCH!!! Debra. You really must be careful. Hope you are not too badly bruised. You ladies must take more water with your drinks!!!! LOL. Hugs Sarah.

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

LOL!!! Must water them down, lol. I am doing pretty good.

by terriweistra 12 Sep 2012

Oh dear!!!! I hope that you get your glasses sorted :) ... and that you are not too bruised :) Look after yourself and LET THE PHONE RING!!!! :)

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

More bruises and for $15 got new frames for my favorite glasses.

by eyeztodiefor10 12 Sep 2012

Don't rush for a phone call! They'll always call back if it is important! I hope you're feeling better today but please be careful! Let the phone ring if you have to! Take care of yourself!

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

Oh, I will not run for the phone again, I have caller ID and all that so I'll know who called anyway, just a bad habit.

by gerryvb 12 Sep 2012

oh dear , things like that happen in a moment. Before you realize what happens, you are on the floor already. Hope you don't have too much pain. take good care and take the rest to heal.hugs, Gerry

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leenova54 by leenova54 12 Sep 2012

Not too bad, a few bruises more than I thought I'd have. Not much pain from it.