by gerryvb 26 Sep 2012

sep 26: DAILY QUOTE: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."(Leo Buscaglia)


by momhome 27 Sep 2012

This is so true. I agree with everything said here and I think it is so important to the well being of another person for you to do as this says. I am a hands on person in more ways then one. I am a toucher and I forget that some people don't like their space invaded this way - to me that is so sad. I also learn better by doing.

by dilceia 26 Sep 2012

Gorgeous! Thanks, my dear Gerry!

by barbara68 26 Sep 2012

thank you very much!

by zoefzoef 26 Sep 2012

lovely quote; great picture !

by gerryvb 26 Sep 2012

about hump day:

by toshi 26 Sep 2012

Thank you!

by cclark 26 Sep 2012

Thank you Gerry! Happy Hump Day!

by 02kar Moderator 26 Sep 2012

Very true. I love to see people smile. I love to smile too.

by oigelcox 26 Sep 2012

Thanks so much Gerry Have a great day. Hugs joyce

by nannynorfolk 26 Sep 2012

Thank you gerry :)

by gerryvb 26 Sep 2012

Hope you all have a lovely tuesday, but please don't forget how much a click on this link can do( free mammogramms and other links too).

nannynorfolk by nannynorfolk 26 Sep 2012

clicked :)

oigelcox by oigelcox 26 Sep 2012

I clisked. hugs Joyce

cclark by cclark 26 Sep 2012

Clicked too!

zoefzoef by zoefzoef 26 Sep 2012

clicked !