by zoefzoef 28 Sep 2012

We have a new member in our family ! His name is "Woody" . Our home was so empty after our cat has died and we (mainly me and my daughter) could not live like that. Husband said ; "no cat anymore; it will destroy the curtains, jump on things,...." so finally we selected Woody; not a cat, not a real big dog; but something in the middel. He can never replace Toika, but helps us to ease the pain and isn't he too cute ?


by gerryvb 28 Sep 2012

he looks so cute! lots of luck with the new familymember. Enjoy!

by eteaff 28 Sep 2012

Oh how sweet. If you get tired of that little guy you just send him my way. I love Chichuchu's. He is very cute.enjoy playing with him. Hugs & Stitches, Liz

by bumblebee 28 Sep 2012

He is a little sweetheart- glad you found each other!

bumblebee by bumblebee 28 Sep 2012

Check the sewing tab here at cuties on pg 2 I listed a software that has a free pet totes pattern software that prints patterns and others listed sites with free patterns might have some doggie patterns

zoefzoef by zoefzoef 29 Sep 2012

okay thank will do !

by airyfairy 28 Sep 2012

Welcome to Woody. What a Cutie he is. Sarah.

by crafter2243 Moderator 28 Sep 2012

Cute, cute, cute.

by jrob Moderator 28 Sep 2012

Yip, Yip, Yip he's adorable! ;)

by oaro 28 Sep 2012

he is so cute

by my3chis 28 Sep 2012

He is just too cute! I hope you get alot of enjoyment from him. I have 4 chi's myself.

by moyed 28 Sep 2012

Your new baby is very handsome. hugs Helen

by sdrise 28 Sep 2012

How adorable!! Looks like part pappion.. Best to yoiu and the new addition to the family.Suzanne

by 02kar Moderator 28 Sep 2012

He is cute as can be. I hope he and you have many years of sharing love and funny stories. How can you not fall in love with that face!