Glad to hear you got it straightened out Sigrun. I just got my ruby back after 8 weeks at the dealer and unfortunately it will have to go back for another repair (tension problem). I am not impressed with the service for the viking machines, of course since Husqvarna closed their shipping department now all parts take a long time to get here to Canada from the states making repairs twice as long. Funny how they don't mention that when you purchase these machines.
Wow ..... 8 weeks, I got mine in 3 days - the repair man is usually very quick to repair the sewing machine for me, from 3 to 5 days - but it has happened that I had to go with my Designer1 again and again until it was all right with it and I could stitch on it again, but she's also become a bit old and a lot has been sewing on it - hopefully you will not have to wait again for 8 weeks.
I am with you! Viking's service is almost not! My expensive Diamond is in the shop & heavens only knows when the parts will be there! I have quit recommending Viking to anyone now. IF they work, they are GREAT! If not, lots of luck on service! Sigrun, your dealer/repairman is special, hang on to them! AND it's not only Canada, we have to wait & wait on parts in the US too. Shame on you, Viking!! Every heard the expression "Shooting yourself in the foot"?
I have not any other repairman to choose from, he is the only one who repair the Husqvarna machines and he knows that I can not be many weeks without my Ruby, because this is my job. (I´m in the first place hehehehe) :-)