Sounds like all of you girls are going to have a great time! How exciting for all of you. ;)
That is a great thing to do! Have fun with the girls and your holiday season!
How lovely for you to open your home! I hope you thoroughly enjoy the adventure.
Hi Maria, Yes it is suppose to be spring but it is rain non stop today.
I'm sure you are all going to be learning from each other. Well as Marthie said she will most probably speak Afrikaans, so you might be able to understand each other, if you speak slowly.
Enjoy - Hugs Yvonne
This is so nice.. most probably she will be Afrikaans speaking. Is so u can greet her as follows: Goeie dag or Goeie more. Which means Good day or Good morning. Have a great time specially with the Christmas markets
This is so nice.. most probably she will be Afrikaans speaking. Is so u can greet her as follows: Goeie dag or Goeie more. Which means Good day or Good morning. Have a great time specially with the Christmas markets
Oh wow, what a very lucky young lady :) I am quite sure that she will absolutely love pre-Christmas in Germany :) ... It is such a wonderful opportunity to learn about different cultures etc. I hope you all have a great time together.
Terri, Uvongo, South Africa
We do have a Cutie from Bloemfontein. It is mariejooste (Marie). Yes, we are having spring at the moment here in SA but where I live in the Cape the weather is wet and cold. I hope you have a wonderful time with your exchange student. Please keep in touch. Sarah (Knysna, SA.)
Good Luck and hope you all have fun. The longest I have had foreign students was 6 mronths. The students stayed at different times and both of them were Japanese. Your German cookies sound interesting.
That is a wonderful experience for all. She will learn so much about Germany and you will learn so much from her. Enjoy your time together to the fullest. Hugs, Mary
Hallo Maria,
da wünsche ich Euch, daß sich Eure Austauschschülerin sehr wohl fühlt bei Euch. Bestimmt kommt ihr doch auch nach Heidelberg, das Schloß und eventuell den Weihnachtsmarkt ansehen?
Liebe Grüße
PS: Marie Jooste kommt aus Bloemfountain. Sarah/airyfairy lebt in Knysna/Western Cape und Elena/ eleen in Helderkruin. Wo louisecockeran wohnt weiß ich nicht, genau wie Terriweistra. cherylgauteng und celia50 wohnen in/bei Johannesburg. Marthie ist auch aus SA, ebenso elizabethak, castelyn, bokkieborduur, und april22.
LG Bettina
So, endlich kann ich mal Dir danken und antworten. Die
erste Woche ist schon fast um, und Retha hat sich gut eingewöhnt. Nächste Woche geht dann die Schule los und
alle müssen früüüüh aufstehen.....ja, wir wollen auch nach Heidelberg. Vielleicht können wir uns dann endlich verabreden????...aber Du hast ja auch keine Langeweile. Ich schicke Dir noch eine private Msg, ok?
Bis dann - Liebe Grüsse Maria
Have a wonderful learning experience. You will remember this experience always. Just keep her so busy she never has a chance to get homesick!
Sounds very exciting for you all. Enjoy the experience, hope all goes well. Jan