by michemb 14 Nov 2012

Installment #3 if you don't mind looking some more,

Bale of hay is from georgethedigitizer, tractor and animals
picked up here and there.
Some more on the way,


by KCowden 25 Nov 2012

Sew cute!!! Love this!!!!

by dilceia 25 Nov 2012


by zoefzoef 25 Nov 2012

what a cute design ! nice

by jussyc 25 Nov 2012

What a sweet scene Michelle, love it :)

by sdrise 25 Nov 2012

How adorable!! Suzanne

by stefypad70 25 Nov 2012


by njola 19 Nov 2012

What a wonderful job you have done.

by quilter124 16 Nov 2012

great job combining designs to tell your story...

by teun 16 Nov 2012

Ganz ganz toll

by oigelcox 16 Nov 2012

This is so cute. Hugs Joyce

by ansalu 16 Nov 2012

This will be an amazing quilt. Love your combinations :o)

by peersen 16 Nov 2012

This looks so good.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

Thanks so much

by vero28 16 Nov 2012

Sympa celui-ci aussi, l'hiver approche. Tu vas représenter les 4 saisons sur ta couette ??
Je ne connais pas le site que tu indiques, je vais essayer de le rechercher. Merci pour l'info.

1 comment
michemb by michemb edited 16 Nov 2012

Merci Vero
voici le site

by momhome 15 Nov 2012

Very nice. This has got to be a farm story. Can't wait to see if I'm right.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 16 Nov 2012

that it is, that it is
thanks Mylinda

by blueeyedblonde 15 Nov 2012

another great one!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you again Linda

by cece1 15 Nov 2012

My goodness, this is just darling! Hope the recipient appreciates your work. I love your creativity in combining designs.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you
I am sure she will

by lilylyn 14 Nov 2012

Another great block - this is great. Lyn

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks again Lyn

by capoodle 14 Nov 2012

No - never get tired of how you put so many designs together to get such a nice theme.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Appreciate that Anita,
I will have a few more to show

by danie 14 Nov 2012

Trop cute!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Merci Danielle

by cj2sew 14 Nov 2012

This looks so good. I love how you combined the designs.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

I am afraid to count how many stitches will be embroidered in this quilt, I am tried just thinking about it, LOL

by lenamae 14 Nov 2012

this will be a beautiful quilt.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Lenamae

by shirley124 14 Nov 2012

This quilt will be awesome when finished. Keep showing your blocks. I love them. Shirley

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks alot Shirley,
you know the embroidering is the easy part, putting all this together is the hard part. This is only my second quilt and boy do I have alot to learn. One step at a time.

by emanuille 14 Nov 2012

super lovely

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Merci beaucoup Emanuille

by jenne 14 Nov 2012

I love all of you blocks super job on them they will make a lovely quilt. how do you plan to quilt them?

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks Jenne,
Good question, I am learning as I go here so I am trying to figure that out now.

by bumblebee 14 Nov 2012

Lovely block michelle

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

thanks Linda

by snowbird42 14 Nov 2012

Michelle this willlbe a great story...soozie

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Beginning to come together, Thanks

by oaro 14 Nov 2012

so cute

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks Maria

by susiesembroidery 14 Nov 2012

Looks very lovely. I can't wait to see the finished products. I also love doing multiple designs together. It is such a thrill to see it all coming together as one.**

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Susie,
Like I mentioned to Mary (highlandermopm) it is like painting a picture just not as messy to clean up LOL

by loosie 14 Nov 2012

I just love your work, I can't wait to see the finale outcome :)

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Your are so kind Loosie, thank you
I am on a deadline so hopefully finish soon

by futte 14 Nov 2012

so cute. Looking forward to see the quilt when it finished

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks futte,
I am looking forward to seeing it finished as well, lots of work and I am learning as I go

by noah 14 Nov 2012

This is going to be some nice Quilt.How many blocks are you going to do

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Carolyn
I am doing a lap quilt (new to me) and I will have 7 blocks with embroidery designs.

by pldc 14 Nov 2012

Michelle this is going to be one beautiful quilt when you are done! Hugs Loralye

pldc by pldc 14 Nov 2012

I love how you have kept the trees in each block sew far!

michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks Loralye
Yep, put trees in all but one.

by highlandermom 14 Nov 2012

Very cute love the picture.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thanks Mary

by stella1 14 Nov 2012

hi michelle , I like this designs this so very cute and nice hug stella

1 comment
michemb by michemb 15 Nov 2012

Thank you Stella