by meganne 15 Nov 2012

I'm still alive!

Can't remember being so ill, for so long, with a measly bladder infection.

I was so feverish I was burning up and delirious, then I'd get so cold I was shaking like a Parkinson's sufferer. I was under the Doona with the electric blanket on and the ceiling fan going as well. I couldn't eat anything and I couldn't quench my thirst so I was drinking every drop of cold water I could lay my hands on.
I couldn't drive myself to the doctor and Ray wasn't allowed to drive for four days so I had to tough it out until Monday when Ray could drive me to have the tests.
Stupid Doctor!
He insisted it was probably diabetes and I kept begging him for anti-biotics for a viral infection, it took him another 24 hours before he wrote out a script for me.
****Anti-biotics for a viral bladder infection**** DOH!!!

Yet THIS is the same GP that just saved Ray's life, ?????

Well Cuties this is my first time at the computer since Tuesday last week, 10 days, and just writing this one message has exhausted me.

Just a few personal messages:

Apologies to Miss Veronika, Marji, Martine & Jerrilyn for my inability to carry out my moderator duties.

Sue, I am truly sorry but my SS's Birthday gift will be late but please assure her she will get it and I hope she will be suitably pleased when it does get there.
I feel I won't be able to participate in this years secret santa. This year just got away from me and all I did was buy the fabrics.
I really need to get my health back on track and take control of my life.
Tonight MIL wanted Ray to walk her to her room because it wasn't safe????? Heaven Help me, what next?
Hugs and blessings to all and apologies for not texting, if you could see through my eyes you'd understand why.
Please don't email as i won't be on line again until.......


by noah 23 Nov 2012

Praying for u hugs carolyn

by minicow 23 Nov 2012

Gosh Meg - didn't know you were this sick- I can't visit here often but please know I think of you and my other Cutie friends often.
Must put on my Chrissy Hat soon.
Hugs and Sparkles

by meganne 22 Nov 2012

I'm actually up and about but feel as weak as a kitten and still have a thirst I can't quench. One good thing to come out of this is that I have kicked my Pepsi-Max addiction as I can no longer stand the taste of it.
I have to have some more tests as I can't even walk up the stairs without having to stop and rest halfway up because I'm so short of breath. Gee it's fun getting older, NOT! LOL!
At least I'm starting to eat again, though I have no real appetite and only eat because I know I have to. Sounds like a recipe for losing weight doesn't it, but I don't think it is turning out that way.

Ray had his first Cardio re-hab meeting this morning and will have a 2 hour information session in December followed by 2 rehab sessions a week, for 6 weeks, starting in January. They were very pleased with his general well being but his blood pressure is still high because of the all, new and improved, blood flow in his heart.
He's planning on going back to work on Sunday night and I know that will make him feel better as he's going stir crazy being at home and not being able to work on his sea wall, I won't let him do anything strenuous yet.
Well friends, my time online is limited as I am getting too tired too easily so I sleep whenever I feel the need to.

Thank you all for your wonderful messages, I have read them all now and feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends.
Hugs and roses to all, Meg

momhome by momhome 22 Nov 2012

I am glad that you are doing better. Are you putting on water weight? Sounds like there was more involved then you just having a bladder infection. Please stay on top of it. Thanks for keeping us posted on how you are doing. Prayer continue.

meganne by meganne 24 Nov 2012

Yes I thought that too, I have never before been delirious with a bladder infection, it was quite a wild ride. :-)

by lenamae 22 Nov 2012

Meg I am so sorry you were so sick may God bless you and make you well and fit,
love and hugs Lenamae

by kezza2sew 21 Nov 2012

Meg, you were on my mind often. definiately take time out for YOU. Being unwell is the pitz. Love ya, Kerry

by toet 20 Nov 2012

Sending you lots of flowers******************************

by dlonnahawkins 20 Nov 2012

Meg - you take care of yourselI - I have been sick for about 6 weeks, and was hospitalized last week...doing some better, but still not up to par. Lots of tests in my future it looks like.
Glad you are able to be up and about.

1 comment
momhome by momhome 22 Nov 2012

Not good. Sounds like we need to keep you in our prayers also. Please keep us posted on how the tests are going and how you are doing.

by drro 20 Nov 2012

Glad to read you are feeling better!! Hugs!

by cj2sew 19 Nov 2012

Hope you get well soon. I'm sorry you are have such a rough time.

by manami 17 Nov 2012

Dear Meg, I'm so glad to hear that you both are doing well. You and Ray are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Yoriko

by meganne 17 Nov 2012

Hello my Cute family, boy, what a ride to hell and back!
Thank you all so very much for your wishes. I have tried to answer some but my eyes keep closing and my touch typing leaves much to be desired these days.
Thankfully the anti-biotics seem to be kicking in, today I am out of bed sitting in the recliner in the lounge-room.
Last night was the first time in days, when I closed my eyes I saw blackness and no flashing, moving, coloured lights.
My sis reckons I've been "ON" something!!!! But who needs drugs when we have all these mysterious bugs we can catch?

Ray is doing remarkably well and is mowing the lawns as I type this.
We are truly grateful for all your prayers and well wishes for him, he was a walking time bomb and would not have survived another heart attack. It was probably only the Warfarin, thinning his blood, that got him this far. He sure is one stubborn old mule!!!!
OK, sorry Cuties, I'm exhausted, I'll try and come back later to read all your messages.
Hugs and much love, Meg

momhome by momhome 17 Nov 2012

I think you may be just as stubborn as he is. :) Keep on resting and taking care of yourself. Tell Ray it is OK to do things, but not to overdo it.

nini by nini 17 Nov 2012

I'm glad you both are getting well. Take care. My heart is with you.

jrob by jrob 17 Nov 2012

Ah you know the saying, "It takes one to know one?"

lenamae by lenamae 22 Nov 2012

happy you are able to sit up .Love and hugs Lenamae

by pennifold 16 Nov 2012

Thanks Meg for the text and please take care of yourself. Also thanks for the phone call last night. Trevor told me you had rung but I was out with Dana, Amy and their friends watching The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2. It was amazing. I'll chat to you later today. Love you and miss you Chris

meganne by meganne 17 Nov 2012

What text? Thanks for calling, it is easier to talk than text, you need eyes to txt and mine want to keep closing. LOL!

pennifold by pennifold 17 Nov 2012

You might not remember but you sent me one on Thursday afternoon saying it was hard trying to text lying down! Love Chris

by claudenicolas 16 Nov 2012

Glad to see that your health is better
Good recovery
Hugs Claude

by capoodle 16 Nov 2012

I'm so glad you were finally able to get the medication needed to clear up the infection, I had gone to the same doctor my husband had seen with different results. Determined his personality and mine were not a match and found another doctor.

by lflanders 16 Nov 2012

When do do get to read this, Just remember that all of us have been very worried. All of us have been praying for the two of you and just waiting to hear something from you! Glad that you are getting better but it does seem you have a ways to go before you will be back to feeling well enough to get much done. You need to take all of the time that you and Ray need to get well! We will continue to pray for the both of you. You have been missed and will continue to be missed until you are back with us but all of us hope you will take the time to get well before you jump back in all of the way. Take care of yourself and leave a note for us when you feel like it. Do not try to over-do! We will continue to miss you but do understand that you are not able to participate until you get much better!

by momhome 16 Nov 2012

I know you will be reading these all later when you are feeling better. I know that you know you and Ray are in all of our thoughts and prayers. I am sure Miss V and all the moderators understand why you have not been here - and will not be for a while. I seriously doubt you had a viral infection. And YES you did need the antibiotics. Stay on them until they are ALL gone. Also be sure to drinks lots of water like you have been. You need to take care of your bladder infections as they can lead to kidney infections which can become life threatening if not taken care of. If you hadn't said your doctor was the one who saved Ray - I would be telling you to look for another doctor. Diabetes does not cause you to have fevers let alone one that is high enough that you are delirious. It can however, lower your body's resistance so that you are more susceptible to getting sick. Please, please rest and take care of yourself. We need you and miss you, but are willing to wait until you and Ray are better.

by nonna57 15 Nov 2012

Miss you and our long phone calls.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 17 Nov 2012

Talked to Chris and Helen..... can't talk to you if you won't answer your phone! LOL!
Easier to talk than text as my eyes are really hurting, all I want to do is close them, can't text with my eyes closed, it takes too long, like typing messages.
But I can talk with my eyes closed. hahahahaha!

by snowbird42 15 Nov 2012

Hi meg wll what can i say except you sure dont do thing in half mneasure hope you will be back on track soon but just take it easy...soozie

by ramona 15 Nov 2012

Oh my goodness. Sounds like the same type of bladder infection I had. It was crazy!! I had three blankets on and one was an electric blanket and I COULD NOT get warm. The pain was terrible. Was able to get antibiotics the second day though. After I was on them for 24 hrs I began to sweat so bad I'd have to get up and take a shower. So weird.

I am very happy you finally were able to get to the doctor and are now back on track. Also glad Ray is back up and going.

1 comment
meganne by meganne 17 Nov 2012

Ramona it sounds very similar, but I have had no pain, what so ever, no symptoms of a bladder infection, that's is what is so weird! Most of us women have at least one bladder infection in our lifetimes, goes with the territory, doesn't it? So we nearly always KNOW when we have one, right? I don't for one minute believe it was a bladder infection but at least the anti-biotics appear to be having some affect. hugs n thanks, meg

by gerryvb 15 Nov 2012

dear Meg, It's so good to see you again here. which means you are a bit better. So keep improving, both of you. And don't apologize: your health and Ray's are the most important now. So please take it easy and take care. Hugs , Gerry

by michemb 15 Nov 2012

so happy to hear you are doing better and give that man of yours a hug for being so kind as to let us know how things were going

by aussiequilter 15 Nov 2012

Glad to hear you and Ray are both on the mend,take it easy , and take care


by grandmamek 15 Nov 2012

It is wonderful to hear from you again. You have been missed. I hope you have a speedy recovery and those antiboitics take ahold fast. Take care of yourself and take it easy. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Mary

by pldc 15 Nov 2012

wow what a whirlwiind! I am glad that you are getting better & reember to take it easy sew that you can continue too. As for the rest of it say a prayer & I will add you to mine! Hugs Loralye

by blueeyedblonde 15 Nov 2012

Good to hear you are on the mend. Take it easy and take care of yourself (and Ray of course)!

by clawton 15 Nov 2012

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

by zoefzoef 15 Nov 2012

Hey Meganne, glad to read you are a bit better, but do take care of yourself ! Hugs Linda

by bumblebee 15 Nov 2012

Glad to hear you are better. Don't worry about cuties. Just rest and get better soon.

by jerrib 15 Nov 2012

Dear Meganne:
I am so glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. You need to just relax and take care of you. It was nice that Ray let us know what was going on. Glad to hear he is on the mend as well.
Hugs: Jerri

by susiesembroidery 15 Nov 2012

Goodness me!! You have had a bad time and I am now so pleased to see that you and Ray are getting better and you are on the mend again.. Please get well soon and I hope all the best for you both.****

by basketkase 15 Nov 2012

My goodness, overwhelming!! Glad to hear you & Ray are both on the mend.......just concentrate on each other right now...everything else is trivia....Hugs...Vicki

by airyfairy 15 Nov 2012

Take it easy and just get better soon. Hugs Sarah.

by sewmom 15 Nov 2012

It's nice to see you back. Take care of yourself. That comes first!

by eggyannie 15 Nov 2012

i know it may sound strange but may i suggest that instead of tea or coffee you drink hot water with a squirt or squeeze of lemon juice added to it, i add a spoonful of honey but if you are diabetic then this may not be possible.
i had a lot of pain from a bladder infection caused by stones and started drinking only lemon tea The acid in the lemons dissolved the stones and eased the pain.
I still continue to drink mainly lemon tea and have noticed a great improvement in the bladder function.
perhaps it would help you.

by jrob Moderator 15 Nov 2012

Glad that you figured it out and got the necessary meds. You take care of you and we've got it covered here. ;)

1 comment
jrob by jrob 15 Nov 2012

I am worried about Marji.....been quiet for a good bit now.

by dragonflyer 15 Nov 2012

Glad to hear you are on the mend...don't overdo it...Ray will have to scold you if you do!

by kryztyna 15 Nov 2012

Meganne great to hear from you. ***Anti-biotics for a viral bladder infection**** DOH!!! Makes you wonder . Please look after YOU and give Ray hugs too. Hugs Christine, Johannesburg

by dollygk 15 Nov 2012

HOW NICE to see you back!!

by theduchess 15 Nov 2012

Just glad to hear you. I am sure your SS will understand and that life gets in our way sometimes. Stella

by cfidl 15 Nov 2012

So glad you are better. Stay that way! Is flu season over where you are? It is just getting started here, and yes I worry I will get sick.

by dailylaundry 15 Nov 2012

So happy to hear from you!!! Cannot take a fever lightly - plus I know how painful a bladder infection can be - not fun!! Take it easy - take all your meds and soon you will be back to stitching!! Hugs, Laura*

by sewemb 15 Nov 2012

So sorry your not feeling well Hope your feeling better soon.

by spendlove Moderator 15 Nov 2012

Nice to see you back on the rails!
Any infection needs taking seriously (but an antibiotic is no use if the cause is viral) All the fluids you took was the best treatment of all. It is time medical science got a grip on viruses, but I'm afraid they are smarter than we are!
Don't worry about the SS - just sit back and enjoy the fun.

by 02kar Moderator 15 Nov 2012

There is no such thing as a 'measly' bladder infection. They are serious as you just found out. Take care, keep drinking and drinking. Cranberry juice is good if you can manage it with diabetes and your diet. We love you, missed you and prayed for you.

by asterixsew Moderator 15 Nov 2012

Meganne great to hear from you. Take care and put your efforts into getting back to being 'yourself'